
GOP rivals: Rubio’s boots were made for talking

MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough said when Rubio’s boots were featured on the political punditry show early Wednesday. “But it is in… decline. When I’m president, we will win”. Then comes Rubio at 15 percent, with Christie, Kasich, Bush and Cruz clustered a few points behind him.


Rubio told the crowd of several hundred packed into the Westin Hotel ballroom that Clinton was a awful secretary of state.

Aside from one heckler who shouted at him as he took the stage, the room was filled with fans. “We’ve seen Rubio has those cute new boots and we’re wondering whether we need some new shoes”, said Paul. The same day, he told a crowd in Mason City, Iowa, “If we get this election wrong, there may be no turning around for America”. Marco Rubio of Florida (126), and GOP Gov. New Jersey Chris Christie (122).

“No one in the mainstream media has the courage to call her out for it”, he said.

But through the years, the issue of immigration – and how to deal with it – has changed. “That’s why we have people we can hold accountable”.

“You’re going to get better government when you have new people constantly coming in”, he said.

“I would say that Ted Cruz is leading in the Jerry Falwell wing, Marco Rubio is leading the Billy Graham wing and Trump is leading the Jimmy Swaggart wing”, Moore said, meaning that Cruz has largely followed the classic Moral Majority model that was the face of the conservative movement – he has received endorsements from figures such as Focus on the Family founder James Dobson – while Trump “tends to work most closely with the prosperity wing of Pentecostalism” which tends to believe that God would financially reward believes.

“Sen. Cruz’s vote to gut intelligence programs fits with his isolationist positions and votes against defense spending”, Rubio spokesman Alex Conant said. James Frank of Wichita Falls and Larry Gonzales of Round Rock and former state Reps. Linda Harper-Brown of Irving and Martha Wong of Houston have lent their names to the Rubio effort. The 5-foot-8 Texas senator has been very open about his favorite black ostrich skin “argument boots”, which he has been wearing since his days as the state’s solicitor general. Politics first, that’s the Rubio away. “Unfortunately, Senator Marco Rubio doesn’t share those same Texas values”. He’s so pro-life and pro-Second Amendment. They were forced to listen to a similar nostalgic mix of bad music as they waited to see their man and cheered in the spots one would expect.

Kit Campbell, 72, drove in from Tyler, hoping the event would help him figure out whom to vote for.

KEN ANDERSON: If you come strong through Iowa in the top three or four, I think you really do have some momentum going on.

James Scott, 73, of Plano said he has no doubt that Rubio is right for the country. Even locked-in Trump supporters like Larry Warnell say a third-place victory could be a good thing in Iowa. “We haven’t had anybody like that since Reagan”.

So why would Rubio come to Texas? “He’s young and charismatic”.


“We like Marco’s vitality”, said Eubank, 72, of Dallas, who said she worked in Tarrant County for decades.

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio during a campaign stop Sunday in Atkinson N.H