
Trump calls Clinton ‘greatest woman abuser’ of all time

Former President Bill Clinton arrives at a campaign rally for his wife, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, in Nashua, New Hampshire, on January 4.


Clinton called his wife Hillary the best choice for improving the economy, fighting the opiate addiction and battling terrorism.

Republicans have several attacks lined up for the expected Democratic nominee, but are afraid Hillary Clinton will only gain sympathy if Trump continues hammering on her husband – especially since Trump has said she has enabled her husband’s indiscretions.

KEITH: Bill Clinton took audiences at both events on a guided tour of the former secretary of state’s resume, emphasizing lesser-known moments in her career and achievements that many in attendance later said they were learning about for the first time.

Clinton shied away from addressing the controversy directly during his stump, instead admonishing “communities of collective resentment” across party aisles, and in a thinly veiled criticism of Trump, bashed Republicans for attempting to make a caricature of wife’s career. She has said that the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group in Iraq and Syria are using Trump’s rhetoric to recruit new people.

New Hampshire voters will cast their ballots for the primary nominating contest on February 9. Leigh Woods, a supporter, said she hadn’t known about all of Clinton’s work for children and the poor in Arkansas.

“I believe ISIS can not be contained, it has to be defeated”, Clinton said.

“They are a couple that have worked together for many years and Bill’s advice could be sought from time to time, but Hillary has her vision for America and she will be the one running the country”.

Bill Clinton hit the campaign trail for the first time in 2016 Monday.

Bill Clinton cracked some humor by saying he was out of place in today’s current political climate. “First of all, I’m a happy grandfather, I’m not mad at anybody”.

“And I’m going to do the stuff that keeps people awake at night”.

While Hillary Clinton rebuked Trump’s attacks, Bill Clinton made no mention of them during his Monday morning’s speech.

“You are very rude and I’m not going to ever call on you”, Clinton snapped at O’Brien, after repeated shouted interruptions by the New Hampshire state representative.


“Well, if you look at the different situations, of course you could name many of them, I could get you a list and I’ll have it sent to your office in two seconds”.