
NRA declines to participate in Obama gun town hall

You would think, judging by their tiresomely predictable reactions, that Obama is poised to dispatch an army of flying monkeys to swoop into American homes and spirit away the 270,000,000 guns that we apparently hold dear.


He would not have to take a background check if he found a private seller who would sell to him from within Kansas, Patrick (who requested that his last name be withheld) told the Guardian.

It is time for the gun control advocates “common sense” gun laws get out of their political correct bubble and do something in the real world to reduce homicides as Mayor Giuliani did when he was mayor of NY. “I appreciate his efforts to do more to keep guns out of the hands of unsafe people while ensuring that Second Amendment rights are protected”. “It has not upset our vendors. Everything is done by the book”.

The NRA and Obama have been bitter enemies on the issue of new gun regulations – each accusing the other of engaging in politics instead of working to find solutions to end gun violence.

The nation’s largest gun rights organization declined Wednesday to send official representatives to a nationally televised town hall with President Barack Obama on gun violence – just days after the president reignited a discussion over this controversial topic. More than four million Americans are subject to this scheme, which can strip a citizen who has been a law-abiding and productive member of society her entire life of his or her right to bear arms for daring to have a stroke or some other medical crisis that requires other family members or car-givers be responsible for their financial affairs for any length of time.

But a majority also said they don’t believe measures won’t be effective in reducing gun-related deaths. “And they will be met with a legislative response”, Shimkus said.

The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence argued in the aftermath of the shooting that Cho shouldn’t have passed either background check since a Virginia court ruled he was a danger to himself two years earlier.

Require that gun dealers report lost or stolen weapons.

“I don’t know what [Obama’s] trying to do”.

Federal law prohibits felons from purchasing or receiving guns unless their rights have been formally restored.

The site now lists more than 60,000 firearms, gun paraphernalia, scopes, silencers and boxes of ammunition for sale, ranging from military-spec assault rifles to antique muzzle-loaded black-powder guns.

Finally, while the mass shootings such as Sandy Hook are horrific, where is the president’s passion about dealing with terrorist shootings?

“I’m happy to talk with them…but the conversation has to be based in facts and truth”, he said.

Winkler said Obama’s proposed executive action won’t do much to curb these kinds of transactions, though, “because the loophole is baked into federal law”.

“You wouldn’t always know it from watching television”, he said.


The “heart of the problem”, though, is in federal health privacy laws that bar sheriff’s offices from obtaining information about whether applicants to buy guns are too mentally unstable to own them, Pittenger said. “If the president was serious about stopping the criminal use of firearms, he would more rigorously enforce existing laws rather than sidestepping Congressional authority”.

An emotional President Obama has outlined plans to tighten controls on gun purchases in the U.S