
How to Buy Girl Scout Cookies Online

At a recent cookie rally to teach area Girl Scouts about the cookie selling business, Farmington Deputy Chief Shane Cote, at right, goes over several safety points.


The girls learned skills at successfully running a booth sale and what proper etiquette to utilize.

The tradition of Girl Scout selling cookies began with Juliette Low in 1917 as girls baked cookies to help fund their troop activities.

They learned how to sell cookies safely and successfully through interactive game and activities.

They’ve come a long way since almost a century ago when girls hawked baked goodies to classmates at an Oklahoma high school. Girl Scouts will be traveling in buddies door to door and to different businesses. There will also be the gluten-free option of Trios, which are a peanut butter oatmeal cookie with chocolate chips. She’s glad her daughters are at the ground floor of digital-age sales, yet likes the idea of in-person contact with customers.

All cookie program proceeds stay in the community.

The Scouts learned interesting facts such as it is the Lemonades’ 10th year of being a Girl Scout cookie and Thin Mints are the second top selling cookie in the world while Oreo’s is number one. There’s something worth sharing inside each box of Girl Scout Cookies -whether it is the confidence a girl gains from asking people to support her, or the business and financial literacy skills she learns through managing customers and money.

The Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest Council includes southern New Mexico and west Texas.

Girl Scouts sell cookies as a winter storm moves in on February 8, 2013 in New York City.


HARTFORD Girl Scouts throughout CT are now taking orders for everyone’s favorite cookies.
