
Man Gives Homeless Man the Shirt Off His Back

This happened on a train in Manhattan near 125th street.


The good samaritan rider notices him and proceeds to take the shirt off his back and hands it to the man in need.

A touching moment of kindness was captured on camera Friday night inside a moving train in New York City.

Temperatures in NY at the time were near freezing, and the homeless man “looked sick”, a bystander told the paper.

Physically impossible to put the shirt on by himself, the good samaritan helps the shivering man with utmost care to properly dress him with it. According to Nolasco, though, Jay asked the guy whether he needed a shirt and whether he needed to go to a hospital – to which the guy reportedly answered “Yes”, on both counts.

The video (above) uploaded to Facebook has gone viral, with over 9 million views and more than 200,000 shares.

‘The guy did a good deed, so I wanted to record it, ‘ he said.


But the charity doesn’t end there; the commuter also gave the homeless man his hat. ‘I would tell him, ‘God bless him.’ That was thoughtful’.

A video captured a man giving his shirt and hat to a shirtless shivering man on the subway