
Swyft Celebrates World Emoji Day by Releasing New, Yet Unofficial Emoji

(Because of differences in how services and operating systems interpret code, the calendar reads July 15 on Twitter or no date at all on Android.).


Aside from the ones we mentioned, Swyft’s package includes emoji for tacos, pirates (interesting, considering Unicode’s idea for a “No Piracy” emoji), ninjas, barbecue, coffee, avocados, and boxing gloves.

Anyone can submit proposals for new characters. Emoji’s are now regulated by the Unicode Consortium which looks at creating universal infrastructure which operates across multiple languages and platforms.

He wants people to vote on what they believe should be the next icon to be added to emoji keyboards, which are available on most smartphones.

According to Emojipedia, some of the widely-requested new emoji characters included Bottle With Popping Cork; Burrito; Cheese Wedge; Cricket bat and ball; Hot Dog; Popcorn; Taco; Turkey; and Unicorn Face.

“Some of the suggestions in the EmojiVote subreddit are already candidates for Unicode’s consideration”, Jeremy Burge, emoji aficionado and founder of a website called Emojipedia told New York Times. From their list of approved emoji’s, phone manufacturers can choose what their users can use.


Apple chose the date to display on the emoji because it was on this day in 2002 that the company announced the iCal for Mac. 5 other skin color options were also made available along with 32 new country flags & families having same-sex parents.

World Emoji Day: July 17 or July 15? - IBNLive