
Sanders, O’Malley criticize immigration raids at Iowa forum

Furthermore, Democrats are incensed by what they view as the hateful rhetoric coming from Republican presidential candidates and believe that will be enough to drive liberal voters to the polls no matter who wins the nomination.


A new poll shows Bernie Sanders has almost caught Hillary Clinton in Iowa’s democratic presidential race and remains ahead of Clinton in New Hampshire. “But at this point, you really have to look at electability and Hillary really impressed me”.

Up until now, Democratic front-runner Clinton has surged to double-digit leads over Sanders in nearly every national poll of Democratic primary voters, with a substantial chunk of gains coming from nonwhite voters – according to a late December Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley is in a very distant third in each state, with five percent in Iowa and only one percent in New Hampshire.

A new poll of 18- to 35-year-olds from Rock the Vote and USA Today finds that they prefer Sanders to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary, 46 percent to 35 percent.

Monday on his radio show, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh suggested he may “reactivate” his 2008 “operation chaos”, in which he urged his listeners to participate in the Democratic Party’s presidential primary and vote for then-Sen.

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in a statement to Bloomberg that “Senator Sanders’ record shows he is willing to hold most industries accountable for their abuses, but not gun manufacturers”. Speaking for the Sanders campaign, Weaver said the gun dispute was an effort to turn the focus away from other issues. “Sanders voted yes. That is a big difference”, she said Monday.

Clinton supports providing three months of paid leave but opposes the Senate bill because she has said she won’t raise taxes on families earning $250,000 a year or less. At a town hall in Iowa on Friday night, Sanders, in response to a question, called former President Bill Clinton’s behavior toward women “totally disgraceful”.

Sanders, a USA senator for Vermont, said he would “do everything I can to stand up to the Donald Trumps of the world and their bigotry and their xenophobia”.

This issue is all Clinton has to try and maneuver to Sanders’ left. She’s in a far stronger position in many states that hold primaries later in the nominating contest.

Sanders hit back on that topic, too, on Sunday.


Convincing voters that he is electable will be a major challenge for Sanders in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

Bernie Sanders stands by vote but would 'revise' gun bill