
Democrats Will Attack Cruz on Citizenship

Trump is also best handling terrorism, 36 percent of GOP Caucus participants say, with 26 percent for Cruz and 12 percent for Rubio.


Trump again said he thinks Cruz should get a declaratory judgment to clear up the matter. You know this is what Trump does. Trump asked of Cruz. “I don’t think the American people are interested”. “I’m like a PhD in litigation”.

Cruz said his mother had not voted in a Canadian election because she was a US citizen, despite media reports that her name appeared on a Canadian government document listing Canadians eligible to vote in 1974. The father became a Canadian citizen, as Rafael Cruz told NPR in 2013.

Trump’s solution: “I would say that I would want the Supreme Court to rule because they haven’t ruled”.

Barring some sort of massive flub or campaign catastrophe – and it’s hard to imagine what would even fit that description when it comes to Trump – The Donald will be in the mix when the nomination gets decided. “She doesn’t know whether or not she’s gonna be indicted”.

Dave Windmuller, a small-business owner from Mason City, said he personally doesn’t question Cruz’s eligibility to be president.

Rubio took another swing at Cruz over national defense, lambasting him for weakening USA surveillance programs – and invoking an infamous former National Security Agency contractor-turned-leaker, Edward Snowden. Now they are saying, what you have said is incredible. “If I’m a fighter, I wanna knock the guy out, I don’t wanna default because he couldn’t like meet the weight class or something”. And I took a lot of heat, all over the world. “You have got to pick the winners this time”.

Cruz suggested Sunday that his rising poll numbers in Iowa – where he now leads the Republican candidates -were the reason for the interest in his citizenship. The Texas senator is leading the field in Iowa with just three weeks to go before the February 1 Iowa caucuses.

The focus group expressed admiration for Cruz’s handling of the situation, one member specifically calling his “Jump the Shark” tweet response to Trump “awesome”.

That may explain why the attacks on Cruz and Trump pale in comparison to the amount spent disparaging other candidates.

According to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, in an interview for ABC’s “This Week”, the Senate would not act to formally counter Donald Trump’s accusations. “He’s welcome to toss whatever attacks he wants”. “Nobody can compete with me on illegal immigration”, he said. And he said he used to be for a 500 percent increase in guest workers.


There was important campaign work behind his trip to this early state. “Only 7 percent of Republicans say they could never vote for Cruz, while 26 percent say no way to Trump”, Brown added.

Jae C. Hong- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally Saturday Jan. 9 2016 in Ottumwa Iowa