
Give the people what they want on gun control

Responsible gun owners must report when they lose their weapon, or when it is stolen, he said. Many of us have pulled for President Obama to take executive action as a start for making a difference.


It is not yet known what criteria will be used to determine what will constitute a gun dealer under federal law, and the president’s plan could easily (and significantly) expand existing legislation.

In the end, Obama’s action on guns will do absolutely nothing to curb gun violence other than mental health information sharing. We think that it could, so it’s worth considering closing any loopholes.

A Quinnipiac poll released December 23 showed that 47 percent of Americans support stricter gun laws, with 50 percent opposed, but 89 percent of voters, including 84 percent among voters in households where there are guns, support requiring background checks on gun purchases at gun shows or online.

For seven years I have watched this guy shred our Constitution in his quest to remake America.

According to Ms. Fiorina, “It is delusional, dangerous, not to mention unconstitutional for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to continue talking about climate change and gun control in the wake of a Paris terrorist attack or a San Bernardino terrorist attack, instead of how we can defeat ISIS”.

The widow of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle confronted Barack Obama during a town hall meeting about guns on Thursday, putting the president on the defensive over what may be the final major domestic policy initiative of his presidency. Thomas Jefferson said, “The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people…it is their right and duty to be at all times armed”.

Local gun advocates freely admit, IN is a gun friendly state, but they say there is no connection between those laws and violent crimes.

Corban, who said she purchased a gun to protect herself and her two children after being raped as a college student, told the president that his proposed gun controls would make her family and other Americans “less safe”. The rules won’t stop criminals from obtaining guns illegally.

Have you ever noticed how these gun zealots can so aggressively define and fight for their Constitutional right to own guns-as many as they want and from whatever source they wish to come by them-without restrictions as simple as having a background check or registering a gun? Obama said individuals “in the business of selling firearms” must be licensed gun dealers, a process that can take as long as a year, and, if they are not licensed, the offenders will be prosecuted.

Much in the same way that background checks on private sales of automobiles are not performed.

“There is literally nothing for us as a gun shop to go out and buy”.


But we know that guns could still flow into California from Nevada and Arizona. And Obama says a collaborative effort as a nation is the only way towards complete reform, “There are steps we can take now to save lives”.

Credit Twitter  The White House
Credit Twitter  The White House