
Obama smacks down NRA paranoia: ‘I’ve been very good for gun manufacturers’

That’s why I strongly support President Obama’s actions to use the existing laws on the books to close background check loopholes, increase mental health treatment and reporting, and improve enforcement of our gun laws. View more tweets below.


A new CNN/ORC poll finds 67 percent say they favor the changes Obama announced, and 32 percent oppose them.

Then Obama recollected the conversation he had once with Michelle while they were campaigning for presidency. “You’d think they’d be willing to have a debate with the president”.

“I want the hope – and the hope that I have the right to protect myself; that I don’t end up to be one of these families; that I have the freedom to carry whatever weapon I feel I need”, Kyle said.

A spokesman said before the event that the group had “no reason to participate in a public relations spectacle orchestrated by the White House”. This is the same assessment the New York Daily News gave of Obama’s executive gun controls when they observed that the key component of the controls was an expansion of the frequency of background checks. In a prime-time, televised forum, Obama dismissed what he called a “conspiracy” alleging that the federal government and Obama in particular wants to seize all firearms as a precursor to imposing martial law. But some North Texas gun owners are questioning if it’s necessary.

Obama defended his support for the constitutional right to gun ownership while arguing it was consistent with his efforts to curb mass shootings.

Is the NRA right to stay away from Obama’s town hall on guns?

Still, questions were raised on the effectiveness of his proposals, which include an executive order clarifying the definition of who is in the business of selling guns and therefore subject to licensing and to performing background checks on gun buyers.

President Obama called the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting, that took the lives of 20 children and six adults, the darkest time in his presidency. “I’ve been very good for gun manufacturers”.

The difference in opinion on guns across the country, the President said, is partially because “people occupy different realities” – both in terms of location and tradition.

Mr Trump, a fierce Obama critic, said the fact that he disagrees with the US President on his gun control measures does not mean that his heart is in the wrong place.

“I will not campaign for, vote for or support any candidate, even in my own party, who does not support commonsense gun reform”.

The NRA also live-tweeted during Obama’s town hall, according to The Huffington Post.


Earnest said the president would reiterate his support for the Second Amendment and renounce claims that he’s trying to confiscate legally purchased guns.

Armed protesters to descend on Obama town hall gun meeting