
White Supremacist Group Urges Iowa Voters To Support Donald Trump

Talking Points Memo reports that a white nationalist PAC is robocalling voters in Iowa, urging them to vote for Trump, who they promise will keep non-whites out of the country.


The telephone campaign is led by the American Freedom Party, which on its website says it “shares the customs and heritage of the European American people”. We need smart, well-educated white people who will assimilate to our culture. [pullquote]We don’t need Muslims.

‘I’m Jared Taylor with American Renaissance. The Council of Conservative Citizens is also the group that Dylann Roof, the mass shooter who killed nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, last summer, cited as inspiration in his manifesto.

The group also attempted to buy radio time in Iowa but was rebuffed.

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to CNN request for a statement on the robocall campaign.

Iowa kicks off the voting in the nominating contests leading up to the November 2016 presidential election with its caucuses on February 1.

The American National Super PAC is not affiliated with the Trump campaign, but it has not been denounced by Trump either. “He’s delegitimized them, he’s humiliated them, and I think that opens a space for someone else… it’s not so much Trump per se”.

“He knows what’s practical, he knows what can be accomplished, and he has the intestinal fortitude to act on that plan”, he said. He said many of his Republican friends were “mortified” by events in the race. The others are the Rev. Ronald Tan of the Christian radio show, “For God and Country”, and William Johnson, who says he is paying for the call and that Trump has not authorized it.

“They’re not on our air”, Praise 940 AM general manager Jeff Delvaux told Reuters.

If there were any lingering doubts that Donald Trump has the racist vote all locked up, news a white supremacist group has thrown its support behind the candidate should put those to bed.

Accompanying the robocalls the American Freedom Party issued a press release calling Trump “Great White Hope”.

William Johnson then concludes the call saying, “I am William Johnson, a farmer and White Nationalist”.


“Our campaign slogan is ‘Diversity is a code word for white genocide.’ Donald Trump’s campaign may help remind Americans that all genocide, even against white people, is evil”.

A supporter of U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waits to enter the auditorium at the Bridge View Center ahead of a campaign event in Ottumwa Iowa