
Newcastle lawyer weighs in on Ted Cruz’ citizenship

In his defense, Cruz has cited commentary from two legal authorities, Neal Katyal and Paul Clement, in a March 2015 Harvard Law Review article that said “there is no question that Senator Cruz has been a citizen from birth and is thus a “natural born Citizen” within the meaning of the Constitution”.


In the midst of the debate over whether Ted Cruz is a “natural-born citizen” of the US and therefore eligible for the presidency, the Texas Sen. released a copy of his mother´s birth certificate. A human being born in another country, with one parent who is a USA citizen, who lived in this country for at least one year during the parent’s life.

“Wyoming law requires that a nominee be qualified to hold the office to which they are seeking if they are to appear on the ballot”, Hunt added.

Such is not the case with Senator Cruz who was born in Alberta, Canada and, as a result, had dual citizenship well past the age of 40; and until after being elected to the United States Senate. The question is, can you be natural-born Canadian and natural-born American at the same time?

Duggin said that the “consensus rests on firm foundations” based on the intent of the naturalization clause, as stated in a letter in 1787 from John Jay to George Washington; the language of the 1790 Naturalization Act; and the 14-year residency requirement in the Constitution’s Article II.

As a result of his having been born in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936 and thus having his Article II presidential eligibility questioned in 2008, Senator McCain knows this issue firsthand.

McCain told Phoenix radio station KFYI it is “worth looking into” whether Cruz is eligible to run for president. “So I think eventually the Supreme Court will probably have to decide it”. Since Cruz entered the United States from Canada in possession of a U. I think there is a question. “It is not me, it’s whether or not Democrats pursue it – and I think they will”. “I don’t think the American people are interested”.


GOP rival Donald Trump is stirring up the issue.

Abolish the 'natural born citizen' test: Ruth Marcus