
Biden praises Bernie Sanders on guns, inequality

“But we haven’t even started”. “We do have differences”.


Both Sanders and Clinton support a law giving Americans three months of paid family and medical leave.

While Bellfy is still deciding who she’ll support in the caucus, she added, “I think she’s ready”.

As President Barack Obama turned his attention last week to gun policy, Clinton returned to the issue, noting that she and Obama have often been on one side of it while Sanders has been on the other.

With the Iowa caucuses on February 1 and the New Hampshire primary on February 9, the late night landscape may become even more populated with candidates in the coming weeks. His support of President Obama’s executive action on gun control is expected to sway some Democratic voters towards Clinton, but it will also end up in helping him gain some support from the same quarters. When the moderators pressed her for a more straightforward response, Clinton said only that children would receive “due process”. “In fact, I think they are divisive”. “Where do I begin?” she said.

Clinton also announced a new plan that would impose a 4 percent fee on taxpayers making more than $5 million — an effort to match Sanders’ focus on income inequality. She joined her rivals in denouncing the Obama administration’s recent deportation raids targeting Central Americans who had entered the country illegally. She talked about the relationship between the community and police and compared it to how a marriage works. “But he said he’s a socialist, and I think he may be a step beyond a socialist”.

“It’s outrageous that multi-millionaires and billionaires are allowed to play by a different set of rules than hard-working families, especially when it comes to paying their fair share of taxes”, Clinton said in a statement.

Hillary Clinton will know that very well, and so will Bernie Sanders.

Clinton’s campaign sent out a fundraising email this week saying the “primary race in New Hampshire is neck and neck”.

“It’s not a mistake. Like many pieces of legislation, it’s complicated”, Sanders said. Let’s start with guns first. Why is that? It could be that the inevitable candidate for the democratic nomination may not be so inevitable today. Bernie Sanders speaks at Georgetown University in Washington on November 19, 2015. “We’ve got the momentum to carry this win, but our folks on the ground still need the resources to put us over the finish line”, Clinton wrote.


Sanders explained that he believes a gun seller who legally sold a firearm should not be held accountable for someone who uses that firearm in a crime. Sanders drew just under 3,000 to North High School during his first visit to the city on January 2, where he told supporters to wild applause that he was going to beat the former first lady, senator and secretary of state in New Hampshire.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reaches for a smartphone for a selfie with a supporter after a campaign rally Monday