
Emily Bett Rickards’ Character Felicity Will Not Become Oracle on ‘Arrow’

The show’s executive producer Wendy Mericle recently discussed the fate of Felicity (Rickards) and how the Oracle theory is not happening, with regards to her character being shot in the Fall finale.


The EP admitted to TV Line that this premise was “something we definitely talked about [doing] with Felicity in the beginning”. “People have to tune in to see what happens”, Mericle then teased. In spite of the difference in identity, Felicity has seemed poised to become Oracle for quite a while now, as she has been established as an expert hacker, not to mention that her origin story episode from last season, “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak”, was originally titled “Oracle”.

Whether or not you bought the series killing its most beloved character, Arrow deliberately left fans in a tizzy with its 2015 cliffhanger “Dark Waters”, seemingly placing Felicity Smoak in mortal peril. We can only speculate, but it sounds as if someone at DC Entertainment/Warner Bros. asked the showrunners to change their plans for Felicity.

“Arrow” season 4 is set to return on January 19 on The CW.

In the midseason premiere for “Arrow” season 4, Darkh’s forces gravely injured Smoak, leading to her hospitalization.

Many viewers believe that Smoak’s death in this season will become a strong plot point, enabling the rest of this season to focus on Arrow hunting and taking down Darhk. We’ll have to wait and see.

“The back half of the season, we’re pretty much following the same structure that we have in seasons past where obviously the Big Bad gears up”.

“We’re going to throw a hard six in episode 15 that I think will surprise people”, executive producer Marc Guggenheim told IGN.


According to Mericle, it was an idea considered in the past, but not one we should expect to see play out during Season 4. “Fifteen is a real game-changer episode for us”.

Colton Haynes