
How to run your Powerball lottery office pool

$502.2 million: The paltry amount that a New York City resident would take home if s/he won the jackpot, thanks to NY having the highest tax among participating states (8.82 percent) along with the city’s municipal tax (3.9 percent).


For more perspective, in just the six days, the Powerball jackpot has risen from $524 million to its current figure. Spain’s Christmas lottery, nicknamed “El Gordo”, or “the fat one”, distributed $2.4 billion in prizes last month, with the top prize of $811.2 million in that drawing split among 1,950 tickets.

A total of 292,201,338 possible combinations exist for the lottery game, which allows players to choose five numbers between 1 and 69 and a sixth number, called the Powerball, from between 1 and 26.

But here’s a pressing question for the procrastinators: What’s the deadline for buying Powerball tickets before the Wednesday, January 13 drawing?

One lucky Broome County Lottery player scored $50,000 on a ticket sold Saturday in Endicott, even as the Powerball jackpot continues to grow.

Feeling more confident this time, Darling is using some of his winnings to play again.

A victor would have the option of being paid $1.5 billion through annual payments over 29 years or opting for one smaller cash payment.

North Carolina Lottery Officials are aware of the problem, but have no plans to change the billboards unless billion-dollar jackpots become commonplace.

Willie Roberts, 45, of Hanover, is one lottery player who always waits until the day of to purchase his tickets, he said.

ESTEM High School math teacher, Mark O’Laughlin, said while the odds remain the same no matter the jackpot, with so many new faces playing, be prepared to share if you do win.

Disappointed you didn’t win the Powerball jackpot?

Find your nearest Powerball retailer by visiting the New Jersey lottery website. It’s sold in 44 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. During the 11 a.m. hour, it said, California sales were $7.621 million, compared to $4.646 million during the same period Monday.


How do I buy a ticket?

Advice for $US1.5b US Powerball winner