
No Powerball winner; jackpot may reach $1.3 billion

The next Powerball drawing is at 9:59 p.m. Wednesday.


The prize was already the world’s largest before lottery officials increased it Monday. They advertise an estimated jackpot, which is traditionally lower than the actual prize amount.

Grayson matched the first five numbers drawn in Saturday night’s drawing to win his big prize: 16-19-32-34-57.

Powerball is played in 44 states as well as the District of Columbia, U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The Pennsylvania Lottery has sold 17 jackpot-winning Powerball tickets and two jackpot-winning Mega Millions tickets. Gary Grief with the Texas Lottery, which is part of the Multi-State Lottery Association, says the $1.4 billion figure is definitely the world’s largest.

DES MOINES, Iowa- With up to $1.4 billion at stake in Wednesday’s Powerball, questions about the drawing seem to be as abundant as the convenience-store kiosks offering tickets for the record-breaking jackpot. The jackpot estimate is reviewed daily.

The odds of winning are 1 in 292 million, and the chances of winning the jackpot got slimmer when Powerball implemented a rule change in October 2015.

This Powerball® run alone has contributed over $7 Million to scholarships, so far, in Arkansas. That has meant a insane time for the 1,200 New Hampshire retailers who sell lottery tickets.

Where can I find past winning Powerball numbers? Tickets are $2 each, but you can pay an extra $1 at the time of purchase to upgrade your ticket to “Power Play”.

Michael Pfaff of Hanover wasn’t holding out much hope Monday for picking the winning numbers, but he still came into Turkey Hill to get his tickets. Officials don’t track which numbers are most popular because so many are randomly generated.

That’s $930 million for winners too impatient to wait for 30 years of annuity payments.

Wednesday, January 6, drawing, the jackpot was at $524 million-a measly sum, by comparison.

“Think about how many lottery ticket stations there are nationwide and how busy they’ve been, running nonstop over the past three days”, said Matheson.

That has made some people uneasy about so much money going to one person when it might be better spent on public needs.

How Big Will the Tax Bite Be If You Win the Powerball Jackpot?


People take different approaches to playing the game, Reichley said.

Lottery jackpots- Powerball intro