
Poll Finds Christie Struggles, Trump Surges in New Hampshire

Republicans Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are neck and neck down the stretch to the first vote in the USA presidential nominating contest, while Hillary Clinton struggles to repel a surging Bernie Sanders, polls showed. The question is, can you be natural-born Canadian and natural-born American at the same time?


Trump says voters should be concerned that Cruz was born in Canada and thus might not meet the constitutional requirement that presidents are “natural-born” citizens.

“I have never supported amnesty”, Cruz said. Still, there’s some not-so-good news for Ted when it comes to the issue Donald has been harping on to derail his campaign: 47 percent of those surveyed said that someone born outside of the United States is unqualified to be the president. “My mom was born in Wilmington, Delaware”.

And Trump resurrected his attacks against Cruz over his birthplace, seeking to raise more questions over Cruz’s eligibility for the White House. Under American law, I was a citizen the instant I was born.

Hillary Clinton: I keep hearing from very credible sources she was created in a lab by a focus group, not born. “They see him, by solid double digit margins as more sharing their values, more honest and trustworthy and viewed more favorably overall than is Secretary Clinton”.

Ted Cruz went after Donald Trump like never before, portraying him as a stereotypical New Yorker with ties to the Democratic Party and unfit for the Republican nomination.

But here’s a preview of some other stratagems Donald will probably try to narrow the rest of the field. Trump also gets the nod 36 percent to 22 percent over Cruz on handling terrorism and 46 to 22 percent on illegal immigration. Perhaps that’s why McCain, when asked by a Phoenix television station to comment on Cruz’s eligibility, responded: “I think there is a question”.

Ted Cruz was born to an American mother and a Cuban father…in Canada.

Do we really know what a natural born citizen is? Trump said a declaratory judgment would pre-empt a suit that he said Democrats would file against the Republican Party if Cruz were the nominee.

“It’s more than a little odd to see Donald Trump is relying on as authoritative a liberal left-wing judicial activist Harvard law professor who is a huge Hillary supporter”, said Cruz in Hudson, New Hampshire, referring to his former law school professor Laurence Tribe, who has said the issue remains debated.


Trump has shone a light on Cruz’s Canadian birth in recent days, claiming that Cruz would have a “problem” if he were to become the Republican nominee. The head-to-head battle between the two current GOP frontrunners seems to now be fully engaged.

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