
Trump says he’s worth $10 billion

Even so, Trump says he earned $362 million a year ago alone (not counting dividends, interest, capital gains, rents and royalties).


The new Fox News poll will most likely be the final one from the network before it hosts the first Republican presidential debate on August 6.

Real-estate magnate Donald Trump is at the top of another new poll of Republican primary voters nationally. It provided little information about how he calculated his net worth. “I was probably drunk”.

Without a doubt, Trump has come a long way since April, when he only came it at 5 percent in the same Fox poll. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.

“They send people through that they don’t want“, Trump said.

Amid an extremely large field of Republican candidates, Trump has leveraged his celebrity and the anti-immigrant controversy to stay in the headlines and climb the polls, which reward name recognition early on in races.

Among Hispanics, negative views of Trump have jumped by 21 percentage points, from 60 percent in May to 81 percent this week.

Sen. John McCain was eager to get a word in after Trump’s rally last weekend in McCain’s home state of Arizona, where the presidential hopeful was joined on a Phoenix stage by the father of 17-year-old Jamiel Shaw, who was killed by an undocumented immigrant in Los Angeles. Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, among others, have called for the city to refuse to renew contracts it has with the mogul and to make him “a pariah”.

The Obama Administration’s recently announced nuclear deal with Iran, which is intended to stifle the Middle East nation’s ability build nuclear weapons, is a horrible agreement, Trump said. “I heard [Obama] was a terrible student, terrible”. A New Jersey appellate judge dismissed the case in 2011, saying Trump failed to prove “actual malice”. “I’m thinking about it, I’m certainly looking into it. Let him show his records”.

Republican candidates leery of facing Donald Trump in upcoming GOP presidential debates should not be running at all, says Jeffrey Lord, who served as an aide to President Ronald Reagan and Housing Secretary Jack Kemp.

“I mean, let’s go here guys. It was the first time we’ve really sat down since he launched, and so we had a good conversation”, Cruz said.


That was the upshot from a press release issued by the Trump campaign Wednesday, announcing that The Donald had filed his disclosure forms with the federal government that provide more details about his net worth.

Jeb Bush flubs foreign policy with'appeasement talk | MSNBC