
Sanders refutes Clinton on guns, healthcare

So Chelsea’s claim was a smear of a scare tactic that Heilmannn was right to call a “lie”. They include introducing government-funded universal health care, breaking up the big banks and making tuition at public universities free.


“You know, the time between an election and an inauguration is short”.

The Clinton campaign has said that Chelsea Clinton will continue stumping for her mother on the campaign trail. Only Trump is enough of a loose cannon to bring up Bill Clinton’s sordid past.

Sanders has vowed to break up the big banks, but Clinton asserted here that she has stood up to special interests throughout her career, including on Wall Street.

For Clinton, then, attacking single-payer is a politically risky proposition – particularly when her hold on the Democratic electorate appears increasingly tenuous. It takes a lot to surprise me. But for the first time in many months, the press is questioning whether she might be derailed-and someone else drawn into the race. I mean, I’m stunned, I’m stunned by the whole thing. Sanders says he was keeping a promise to voters in Vermont, where the legislation did not have widespread support.

“To the disbelief of the corporate media and the political establishment – Bernie is on the verge of scoring historic upsets in Iowa and New Hampshire“, reads one typical Sanders fundraising email sent Sunday. We saw the event last night. Sanders delayed starting his advertising to preserve funding for this critical period, his senior adviser Tad Devine said. There’s no doubt that she has too, but the stakes for her now are huge.

The numbers in Iowa and New Hampshire were even more distressing for the supposed Democratic presidential front-runner. And she promoted herself as the candidate with the most varied and long-standing experience of working on both national and global policy matters. “There is a collective judgment there that one candidate is going to be better president, and I think that counts for something since we work with him every day”.

The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza says that “would be a total nightmare for Clinton”.

Biden, in an interview with CNN’s Gloria Borger on Monday, said that “it’s relatively new for Hillary to talk about” income inequality, even as he credited her with having “come forward with some really thoughtful approaches to deal with the issue”. She is now a grown woman. But a loss in the Iowa caucuses on February 1 will revive memories of Clinton’s third-place finish there in 2008, which ultimately doomed her first presidential bid.

HEILEMANN: It’s historic. Kind of wonderful.


Hillary Clinton recently deployed her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and now her daughter, as she seeks to cover more ground and maintain her early lead in the increasingly-narrowing race against Sanders. But it’s just so disingenuous. “Because I don’t want to live in a country that has an unequal health care system again”.

Hillary Clinton Whiffs on Reforming Wall Street's Rating Agencies