
Iran Sanctions Seen Lifted by Monday as Nuclear Deal Implemented

Iran will not see the UN, US and European Union sanctions lifted until the global nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), certifies that it has fulfilled its commitments under the deal.


“Six tonnes of the exported heavy water will be used in nuclear facilities and the rest in American research centres”, he said. But Iran still has remove the heart of the Arak reactor to transform it to meet the requirements, in cooperation with China and the United States.

However there are contradictory reports in state media about the fate of the Arak heavy reactor and it is not clear if Iran has removed the core of the reactor and filled it with cement, as promised. “It’s a matter of days rather than weeks”.

On Monday, speaking to reporters in Prague, Federica Mogherini said no date was set yet, but that “the implementation of the agreement is proceeding well”.

On the back of the nuclear deal – Iran has always denied seeking a bomb – Rouhani wants to make greater inroads in domestic policy.

The P5+1 group of world powers – the US, UK, France, China and Russian Federation plus Germany – had originally wanted Arak dismantled because of the proliferation risk.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is expected to issue its final report on Friday, Jan 15, to confirm Iran has met all its obligations under the nuclear deal, Iran’s deputy foreign minister said on Wednesday, according to Reuters. Last week, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said it could be just “days away”.

“A lot of IAEA inspectors are in Iran for several days and we hope to finalize things in the coming days”, said Mr Kamalvandi, but he refused to set a specific date.

“Some oil traders said oil’s deep slide so far this year, including its 6 percent slump on Monday, was being fuelled in part by signs that Iran might emerge from crushing sanctions sooner rather than later, allowing it to ramp up production after years of constraint”.


“Definitely, we will not apply any physical change in this field until a final agreement is finalised”, he said, without making reference to the Fars report directly.

Iran official denies report of nuclear reactor being sealed