
Republican debate to highlight party’s fractured field

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is attacking Republican presidential rival Donald Trump over what he calls the real estate mogul’s “New York values”.


The second will be between the remaining five candidates on the main stage as they try to muscle their way into the spotlight.

“If voters don’t see him as a realistic alternative to Trump or Cruz”, particularly in New Hampshire, GOP strategist Ron Bonjean explained to the Daily News”, Christie will fizzle out quickly”.

Cruz said he wouldn’t “reciprocate” Trump’s attacks, but then noted yet again that Trump has been citing a prominent left-leaning legal scholar to question Cruz’s eligibility. “Donald Trump is still in complete command and the race is still about who will become his main challenger”. Instead, he has simply phrased his doubts about the Texas’s senator Canadian birthplace as concern over potential Democratic litigation.

Ted Cruz on Tuesday returned to New Hampshire for the first time in months, promising conservative voters he’ll protect their gun rights and several times invoking the state’s “Live Free or Die” motto.

Cruz is showing less restraint.

As of my deadline (Jan 12) Iowa looks like a tight race between Trump and Sen.

According to one Cruz adviser, the campaign sees Republican primaries as historically culminating in a matchup between a conservative candidate and an establishment candidate. And Thursday night, all the other candidates (except perhaps Ben Carson) will likely have him in their sights. Carson, who polled as high as 26 percent in October, however, continues his free fall to the bottom tier, standing at just 6 percent in a tie with Bush for fourth.

Despite the antipathy for Trump and and Cruz, that does not mean that the other GOP candidates will go after either at this week’s Republican presidential debate, Costa said.

Thursday’s debate is shaping up as the first major contest between the two.

Tonight’s Fox Business Network showdown in North Charleston, S.C., is set to start at 9 p.m. and includes just seven candidates: Cruz, Trump, Florida Sen. Rubio tops Cruz and Trump on only the phrases “establishment candidate” and “typical politician”.

Christie is enjoying a burst of momentum in New Hampshire, where he’s devoted significant time to courting the state’s quirky blend of moderate and libertarian voters.

That’s especially true after Trump and Cruz finally dropped the niceties with each other. Will that give him more of a leg up in the final polls, not only helping him to win but also to beat expectations? However, Rubio is competitive in all three early states, unlike his “establishment” competitors.

Iowans may like to think they choose their nation’s presidential nominees, but it is often New Hampshire that wields influence closer to that of a Hong Kong Election Committee selecting the chief executive. One well-connected New Hampshire operative noted that Kasich had one of the two strongest campaign operations in the state, along with Rand Paul.

Trump has raised birther questions about Cruz, who has tried to put the issue to rest over the last few days.


Bush mentioned Trump by name at least 17 times at his first two events, focusing on the Trump’s plan to slap a 45 percent tariff on Chinese exports.

Cruz escalates attacks on Trump over values, foreign policy