
US defense secretary welcomes the release of sailors held in Iran

One of 10 U.S. Navy sailors who were briefly detained in the Persian Gulf for drifting into Iranian territorial waters appeared on Iranian television Wednesday, apologizing for the intrusion in an act U.S. officials believe was “clearly” coerced.


“Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was in touch with U.S. Secretary of State (John) Kerry Zarif took a firm stance as the sailors had violated Iran’s territorial waters and asked the United States for an apology”, Fadavi said.

Iran’s Republican Guards broadcast a statement on Iranian state television saying it had freed the the U.S. sailors and explaining they had been released into worldwide waters. “In fact, it is clear that today this kind of issue was able to be peacefully resolved and efficiently resolved and that is a testament to the critical role that diplomacy plays in keeping our country safe, secure and strong”.

Iran’s armed forces chief, Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, said the incident should demonstrate Iranian strength to “troublemakers” in the US Congress, which has sought to put pressure on Iran after the nuclear deal. Iran’s Revolutionary Guard said the sailors were released Wednesday after it was determined that their entry was not intentional.

He said: “There’s nothing to apologise for”. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the sensitive incident publicly. The Navy said it will investigate how the sailors ended up in Iran.

“I don’t like to see our guys in the custody of someone else”, Carter said of the video.

This is in stark contrast from what USA officials revealed about the situation.

The sailors left the island at 0843 GMT (3:43 a.m. EST) Wednesday aboard their boats, the Navy said.

The sailors were taken off their ship Tuesday and held overnight on an island in the Persian Gulf, according to the New York.

The sailors were on two small boats in the Persian Gulf between Kuwait and Bahrain when US controllers lost contact with them on Tuesday.

Iran moved yesterday to head off a potential crisis days before the expected implementation of its nuclear deal with world powers by releasing 10 US Navy soldiers it had detained in the Gulf. Later, though, the video shows the Americans chatting as they were served an Iranian meal.

The U.S. Navy unit was scheduled to return to its homeport in San Diego in the next few weeks.

“They put guns to our guys’ heads and he was thanking them”, Trump said.

“They were released in global waters after they apologised”.

Iran has captured western military forces before, and for a much longer detention.

In an earlier incident, in late December, Iran launched a rocket test near US warships and boats passing through the narrow Strait of Hormuz, the route for about a fifth of the world’s oil. Iran also continues to hold the Washington Post journalist, a Christian pastor and a former U.S. Marine.


Both Washington and Tehran have blamed the incident on “mechanical problems” following conflicting messages from the Iranians, who initially accused the sailors of spying.
