
$10 billion man? Presidential candidate Donald Trump offers few details about

I hear him saying all “Puerto Ricans” are criminals, too, as far as Republicans are concerned….


Trump was followed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (14 percent), Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (8 percent), Texas Sen. It was apparently rescheduled several times due to their busy travel schedules. They eventually found time Wednesday in New York, where Cruz already had plans to sit down with CNBC’S John Harwood at the CNBC Institutional Investor Delivering Alpha conference, a gathering of New York hedge fund managers. Let’s turn Trump’s negative words into something positive.

Trump, who widely criticized Mexican immigrants during his announcement speech, has increased his unfavorable rating among Latinos.

In 2011, when MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell mocked Trump by suggesting he was worth less than $1 billion, Trump responded on Twitter by threatening a lawsuit and claiming to be worth “substantially more than 7 billion dollars” with “very low debt, great assets”.

The new Fox News poll will likely be the final one from the network before it hosts the first Republican presidential debate on August 6.

Other political observers said Cruz’s meeting – highly publicized after Trump announced it would happen during an appearance on MSNBC – was a savvy play for conservative hardliners’ support in case those voters ultimately decide against supporting Trump. And the more chances he has to make comments like that, the worse the GOP looks.

Last month, Trump said that some illegal immigrants are “bringing drugs”. And they’re sending people into our country, that we don’t want, but we take. “What it’s about, I have absolutely no idea”.

On Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, Trump said that Obama “gets along with nobody” and “the whole world hates us” as a result of his presidency.

Republican candidates leery of facing Donald Trump in upcoming GOP presidential debates should not be running at all, says Jeffrey Lord, who served as an aide to President Ronald Reagan and Housing Secretary Jack Kemp. One thing that was certainly born in America is the “birther” movement, and Trump is its father.

Members of his staff had said that Mr Trump would release the financial documents themselves, but they issued only a press release that announced the filing and included a few financial details.

Trump’s campaign says the federal forms are “not designed for a man of Mr. Trump’s massive wealth”. Many of these boxes have been checked.


“I’ve never seen a candidate who’s so well known who was able to suddenly turn around people’s opinions of him“, Murray said.

Source Washington Post  ABC News