
Obama, Saudi foreign minister to meet Friday in shadow of Iran deal

Washington and London have sought to ease concerns over the Iran nuclear accord as the country’s supreme leader warned that major powers are not to be trusted over its implementation.


A No 10 spokesman said: ” The Prime Minister expressed his hope that this deal would mark a fresh start in bilateral relations between the United Kingdom and Iran and in Iran’s role in the region. “Critical components of the agreement that I will be closely examining include the verification measures, the process of lifting sanctions and the mechanism for re-imposing sanctions if Iran violates (the) agreement, and limitations on Iran’s research and development program”.

The Security Council passed six resolutions between 2006 and 2010 requiring Iran to stop producing enriched uranium, which can be used for civilian purposes, but also to build nuclear bombs.

By law, the administration must submit the deal to Congress, which has 60 days to review the pact and vote to approve, disapprove or remain silent.

“For example, unless you get those folks out of there, because we’re not going to have our troops – even in an advisory or training role – looking over their shoulders because they’re not sure of what might happen to them”, he added.

President Rouhani meanwhile told a cabinet meeting that Iran had not “surrendered”. Should this deal be accepted, or would the security interests of the United States be furthered by scuttling it?

Iran calls its Lebanese ally Hezbollah a “resistance movement” while the USA describes it a terrorist group.

“And if we had walked away from the nuclear deal, we’d still be pushing them just as hard to get these folks out”.

A good deal, for now?

Mr Hammond flew to Tel Aviv yesterday, accusing Israel of wanting a “permanent stand-off” with Tehran which was risky for the Middle East and the world, and calling for a more pragmatic response.

Iran: Now a business opportunity? We had a fatwa [religious ruling], declaring nuclear weapons to be religiously forbidden under Islamic law.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meanwhile denounced what he called a “stunning historic mistake”. On the opposing side is the Iran hawk community, which focused less on the nuclear issue than on finding ways to isolate and ultimately destroy Iran’s clerical regime, by military force if necessary, nuclear program or not.

After nuke deal Rouhani says Iran could soon buy new planes