
Trump More Than Doubles National Lead in NBC/WSJ Poll

Republicans cast a far different vision of the world than President Barack Obama did in his State of the Union address earlier this week.


Donald Trump has been hammering Ted Cruz with questions about his citizenship, which raises expectations that Trump will target Cruz in Thursday’s debate.

The first presidential primary debate of 2016 will likely be a showdown between Republican front-runners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Tuesday, Cruz said Trump “embodies NY values” on the Howie Carr show. But the barb appeared to backfire, eliciting an unexpectedly emotional response from Trump about his hometown’s response to the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Bush once again took Trump to task for proposing a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. He asked Trump to reconsider it.

Chris Christie had some of the sharpest attacks on Clinton. Seeking to undermine Rubio’s qualifications for president, Christie suggested that senators “talk and talk and talk” while governors such as himself are “held accountable for everything you do”.

Underscoring the split in the party that has defined the turbulent GOP primary, the more mainstream candidates on stage fought to edge their way into the debate. “Cruz’s conservative credentials to portray him as an unreliable flip-flopper concerned only with political expediency”. But there’s a rhyme and reason to it: the two main battle royales are Trump vs. Cruz, and everyone vs. Rubio.

While Bush praised the forgiveness of the Emanuel victims’ families, he said the system failed in this instance, not any issues tied to the Second Amendment. The New York Timess report that Mr. Cruz, who spent years railing against bank bailouts, received up to $1 million in undisclosed loans from Goldman Sachs and Citibank for his first Senate campaign, could be a brutal weapon for any rival to use against him.

“It was a paperwork error”, he said, calling the story a “hit piece”. Although Cruz beats Trump one-one 51 percent to 43 percent, while Trump beats Rubio by seven points, 52 percent to 45.

Trump said Democrats would sue if Cruz were on the Republican ticket, putting their party’s chances of winning at risk. “I haven’t spent my lifetime running for office”, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO said. “And I will gladly accept the mantle of anger”.

Trump has questioned the crowd at rallies in the past few days over whether Cruz is eligible – they shout, “No!”

During a recent town hall on gun control, Obama said he never has owned a gun, but he also added that he doesn’t want to take guns away from Americans. Paul has also raised questions while Rubio has called it a “non-issue”. He said the Federal Bureau of Investigation made a mistake in failing to conduct a timely background check of suspected gunman Dylann Roof, which is where the next president should focus. “But we don’t want to put everybody in the same category”.

He says Clinton would be a “national security disaster”.


He thinks there’s a strong possibility that Trump could win the presidency, partly due to how big a percentage of the Republican electorate agrees with some of his more outlandish ideas. Bush’s Right to Rise Super PAC has particularly unloaded on Rubio of late, trying to prevent Rubio from performing well in an early state in hopes that his candidacy will be nipped in the bud before it can get off the ground. Therefore, Fox Business will once again host a first debate at 6 p.m. ET featuring Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum.

Huckabee Fiorina undercard Fox debate