
Florida Man Plays Powerball For 1st Time, Wins $2M

Lottery official say winning tickets were sold California, Florida and Tennessee, but don’t be disappointed, there were some big winners in Maryland as well.


A Frederick couple won a $1 million second-tier Powerball prize after nearly throwing away the winning ticket. Winners can call the West Virginia Lottery at 304-558-0500 for further instructions on claiming their prizes.

Additionally, there was a $100,000 victor, 24 winners of $50,000 and more than half a million other prize winners across the state. “I’m hearing anecdotally and through news outlets, millions of people who have never played Powerball before are indeed purchasing a ticket”. It’s also the place where a Powerball ticket worth one third of $1.58 billion was sold. The odds of winning the jackpot with a $1 ticket are 1-in-13,983,816.

The cycle will start again on Saturday night when the next Powerball drawing will have an estimated jackpot of $US40 million.

Former Tennessee House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh’s nephew and his wife own the store and said they already have plans for the money.

Three winners have claimed the $1.5 billion Powerball jackpot.

Minnesota lottery players won more than $6 million during what was a record-setting run.

The winning numbers were 4-8-19-27-34 and Powerball 10.

“They do some much for us”, Dana Naifeh said.

Crowds descended on the California store after word emerged it had sold a winning ticket, with excited customers snapping pictures and congratulating the sales associate. They can take their earnings either as an annuity or as a lump-sum payment, which would be worth slightly less, and which on Wednesday stood at $983.5 million.

California Lottery officials confirmed that the winning six numbers had been purchased at a convenience store outside Los Angeles, as well as at locations in Florida and Tennessee.

“The Chino Hills victor has not come forward yet”, California Lottery said on its Twitter feed, but local media reports said the victor there was a 62-year-old Pomona, California nurse who received a ticket from her boss. He will receive $1 million for selling the ticket. The huge draw also produced eight $2 million winners and 73 $1 million winners nationwide, said Sally Lunsford of the Kansas Lottery.


Powerball tickets are sold in 44 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

$1M Powerball ticket sold in Lancaster