
Bristol NHS staff join in #ImInWorkJeremy to hit back against Health Secretary

However the plans triggered a furious response from the BMA which accused Mr Hunt of a ‘wholesale attack on doctors.’.


Over saturday and sunday, lots of staff in Bristol’s clinics and center have grabbed selfies of on their own when using the pound sign #ImInWorkJeremy, and that is now for the.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt suggested last week that consultants did not work Saturdays and Sundays, or evenings, and said patients were dying as a outcome.

The doctors’ union said the ultimatum was a “blatant attempt” by the Government to distract from its “refusal to invest properly in emergency care”.

Another surgeon made a image herself in her sickbay… “I miss time with him”.

Are you at work this weekend Jeremy? When you have personal experience of that, I would like you to look me, and every other doctor in the NHS, in the eye and tell us that you genuinely believe that we are being adequately paid for all the responsibility that rests on our shoulders. We, Jeremy, are the people skipping lunch so we can make sure our patients’ paperwork is done so they can go home on time.

But her biggest complaint in the letter is about pay – which for many doctors is less than the £41,000 earned by managers in coffee chain Pret a Manger.

They included one man taking a tea break at 3.35a.m. and another working a 12 hour shift with an hour-long commute. Enjoy your work-free weekend, your parliament free summer (recess is 21st July – 7th September correct?) oh, and your cheeky 10% pay rise.’.

Jez Thomas added: “Well said”.

Mr Hunt has given the union six weeks to negotiate changes to contracts for hospital consultants and junior doctors after claiming that around 6,000 lives were lost a year due to the lack of senior staff working on weekends.

In a speech to the King’s Fund in London, he warned: “Be in no doubt: if we can’t negotiate, we are ready to impose a new contract”.


The NHS workforce is at breaking point Mr Hunt, morale is shot, burnout is at an all time high and to be honest, I think the vast majority of us are wondering what the hell we did this job for in the first place.


Angry Dr Laura Land