
Meeting between armed group, locals uncertain

Bundy says that the group has gone through government documents stored inside buildings at the remote refuge and obtained information that exposes how local ranchers have been discriminated against, reports the AP.


This week, the Bundy group destroyed a fence separating the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, where they are camped out, and a local rancher.

“I am concerned that the absence of federal prosecution after similar events in the past, such as the 2014 standoff near Bunkerville, Nevada, may have emboldened these individuals to seize federal property in the Malheur standoff”, Heinrich’s letter said.

“The county does not take this action lightly”.

On Thursday, the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association issued a statement in support of Harney County Sheriff David Ward, who has been the face of the local response to the occupation.

The group had planned to hold a meeting Friday evening in Burns to explain themselves and inform residents when they will leave.

Another militia spokesperson, Mo Peltier, says that they’ll just be reselling the dildos on eBay. “On the other side of the coin, we have our community: our streets, our highways and our neighborhoods, which we’ve brought in numerous agencies to assist us in maintaining order and peace within our community”.

A lawyer for the Dwight and Steven Hammond, whose conviction for arson triggered the initial protest, said the armed group does not speak for the family.

A Harney County judge is one of those observing the friction, and he apparently plans to send the group a bill for the security costs they’ve incurred for the community.

Palmer said he would not join the militants in Harney County, but he urged the federal government to comply with the armed outsiders’ demands.

Protester LaVoy Finicum told reporters the fence was making a local ranch “not profitable” and “hard to operate”. “There is an hourglass, and the fact is that time is running out”, Ward told local residents.

But other people are coming from afar to protest the protesters, according to KTVZ.

They asked for shampoo and got dildos instead.

“We are taking steps necessary to ensure our employees are safe, and we now are reaching out to landowners who may have records on the refuge”, said Jason Holm, a spokesman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Portland.

“They’re terrorists”, he said.


“I will not work for government or a person that I do not believe in or have faith in”, Briels said, joining the occupiers at a Wednesday news briefing at the refuge.