
Myanmar urges end to North Korea’s ‘hydrogen bomb’ tests

“The emails had subjects such as ‘(Office of National Security) requesting to plan to counter North Korea’s 4 nuclear test” and “This is the Office of Senior Secretary to the President for Foreign Affairs and National Security, ‘” South Korean police told the Chosun Ilbo.


In the United States, members of Congress held a hearing to review ways to press North Korea to dial back its nuclear ambitions, with proposals ranging from providing South Korea with terminal high altitude area defense missiles to pushing China to cut off North Korea’s access to Chinese banks. On Friday, the North offered to halt its nuclear testing and sign a peace treaty in exchange for the cessation of US military cooperation with the South.

Experts have concluded that the allegedly successful launch of a ballistic missile by North Korea was heavily edited. North and South Korea are also blasting propaganda at each other from huge loudspeakers along the DMZ; all part of a hard week for South Korea’s president, as we hear from Neal Conan in the Pacific News Minute.

China’s foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei, however, stressed the importance of resuming nuclear talks with North Korea.

Rhodes added Washington’s coordination with Tokyo and Seoul was “absolutely central”, noting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korea President Park Geun-Hye are among the first leaders that President Obama called after Pyongyang claimed it had successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb test last week.

“I think the Chinese will agree with us”.

Its findings contradict a North Korean statement in September past year that all facilities at the Yongbyon nuclear complex were working normally.

“In order to respond to the potential attacks from North Korea or other terrorist organisations, the legislation of the terrorism prevention law is absolutely necessary”, she said.

South Korean military officials initially attempted to make contact with the drone and warn it not to cross into South Korean territory.

The test angered its main ally, China, as well as the United States.

A top North Korean ruling party official’s recent warning that the South’s broadcasts have pushed the Korean Peninsula “toward the brink of war” is typical of Pyongyang’s over-the-top rhetoric.


The diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity because consultations have been private, said the North’s claim that it tested a hydrogen bomb represents “a step change” and the council needs to show that its response also represents “a step change”, even if the claim proves to be untrue, which is likely.

UN diplomat: UN working for tougher sanctions on North Korea