
‘Big Brother 17′ live feed spoilers: Nominations and a familiar feel

Is it a done deal that Jeff is the one who’s leaving the house this week? He isn’t very intelligent but he knows the plan.


Watch the formation of the Big Brother 17 Sixth Sense alliance. However, James feels confident that he is safe. She wanted him to win the Power of Veto against John so she wouldn’t have to renominate someone.

Jeff tells Meg that is he doesn’t get the votes, not to trust Shelli and Clay. Austin, Meg, Clay, Shelli, Jason, Becky and Audrey all voted to evict Jeff. Shelli had no intention of evicting Audrey though.

One of the most social players of the house bore a dubious title among the other houseguests: the male Audrey – spreading gossip among multiple factions in the house, making it seem like he’s on their side. Who was evicted in the live vote? Hilariously, Jeff boasted about his emotional plea to Shelli in the Diary Room as if it was the most convincing cry. Is he a good game player? They maintained it was because they wanted to ensure there was a bigger target in the house. He is truly an idiot. We’re going to make sure you make it to the jury house so you can sleep with one of these guys. THey see baby pictures of Austin and pictures of Mel, Austin’s girlfriend and her two dogs. It was clear that Austin was starting to develop feelings for Liz and Liz was also feeling the same way. I was surprised at how much Shelli bought Jeff’s tears and sadness.

Big Brother superfan Jason Roy, recalling the risky threat posed by twins Adria and Natalie on Big Brother 5, warned about the arrival of Liz and Julia into this season’s house.

Obviously Evel Dick, him and I have no similarities as far as who we are as people, how we want to play the game. Austin is pissed because Jeff is intensely campaigning…mainly to Liz. Luckily for these twins, her allies Austin, Vanessa, Clay and Shelli have not heeded this warning but instead have embraced this fact because it would give them numbers in their favor. It seems that this love triangle is all about who is manipulating who.

You know man, I honestly thought that I had a good shot at winning some last minute votes over with people that…like just some random people.

– It’s time for the live vote.

James says that he is going to dive into the foam and save his country behind. Or will the other side of the house lose another member in James?

Jackie – She’s this seasons Victoria from last season, Julie Chen said it best, ” She’s floating through this game”. John says that just like his last competition, the player is so incapable that he doesn’t have to do anything to lose this one.

It is now time to crown two new HOH’s in the house. Who do you think is in the best position at this point to win the entire competition?

So you were cast on Big Brother to rebuild your relationship with Jackie?

After that, the remaining houseguests competed in the HOH’s competition. James, Jason, Steve and Clay were eliminated after the first question. Meg and Austin are the next two out. As stated previously, the first two weeks didn’t include much camera time for her but, once she won one of the two slots for Head of Household, it became a situation that was bound to change.

HoH Shelli nominated Jason and John.


What is the difference between racing unbelievable Race and playing Big Brother? Meanwhile Liz, I predict will nominate Steve & Becky because they are both floaters in this game that need to start playing the game. We find out in Sunday’s episode.

Audrey Middleton makes her move on Big Brother