
Texas lawyer files federal ‘birther’ suit against Ted Cruz

“Gov. Christie has endorsed numerous ideas that Barack Obama supports”, said Rubio during the debate.


Trump fired back that multiple constitutional scholars have raised Cruz’s birth as a legal question mark – one being Cruz’s former Ivy League law professor, Laurence Tribe.

“And we rebuilt Downtown Manhattan, and everybody in the world watched and everybody in the world loved NY and loved New Yorkers”.

The suit comes with the Iowa caucuses less than three weeks away.

To those already paying attention to the race, there wasn’t anything unexpected, nor did any major dynamics of the race change on Thursday night. It cheered the Texas senator and booed when a debate moderator and Trump dabbled in the country-of-origin quandary. Trump and Cruz are still the front-runners.

Newton Schwartz asked the Supreme Court in a 28-page complaint to decide whether Cruz – who was born in Calgary, Alberta to an American mother and a Cuban father – would be violating the Constitution’s “natural born citizen” requirement if he won the presidency.

Cruz argues that because his mother is American, he became a US citizen at birth. “It’s risky. And I’ll call him out and I think more and more people are saying you know what it used to be to some people entertaining, it’s not entertaining anymore, it’s unsafe”, de Blasio previously said on CNN. Cruz was forceful in defending himself after Trump’s accusations, saying that Cruz was not eligible to run for President since he was born in Canada.

This was not the only clash between the two men who are leading in Iowa polls as well as in national soundings of the GOP.

Trump, a billionaire from NY and Cruz, a senator from Texas, ended a longstanding truce in spectacular fashion. Later he went after Trump for having liberal “New York values”, only to find Trump reaching for the heart again.

At the debate, Trump countered with an emotional recounting of his hometown’s response to the September 11 attacks.

Asked by MSNBC Friday about the exchange with Cruz, Trump said, “Y’know, he’s a good debater, but he’s very strident, and a lot of people are not going to like that”.

A lawsuit contends it is up to a court to determine if presidential candidate Ted Cruz can legally run for the White House. “But the poll numbers have”, Cruz directed toward Trump.

Rubio, pouncing on Cruz much later in the debate, unleashed a flurry of attacks on a range of issues.


He’s a strict originalist who believes the Constitution should be interpreted exactly as written – which means, according to Cruz’s view, that the 18th century right to bear arms for the purposes of a militia should extend to all 21st-century USA citizens and include new forms of high-powered weaponry.

Republican Al Smith