
Vikings kicker visits first-graders who wrote him encouraging letters

On Monday, a group of first graders from a local elementary school wanted to help cheer Walsh up after his missed game-winning field goal by writing him letters.


Walsh answered questions from students (Sample: “Do you have a guinea pig?”) and signed trading cards, miniature Vikings helmets and other items.

Almost 100 first-graders wrote letters to the kicker to say they remained his fans.

Walsh missed a 27-yard field goal in the waning seconds of a devastating, 10-9 playoff loss to Seattle at TCF Bank Stadium on Sunday.

The Vikings say Walsh will visit the first-graders Thursday morning.

“This is really important”, Walsh said. “They just know I’m a Vikings player so for them to show that kindness and empathy toward me is remarkable”. “They were really, really cool, and I didn’t think you guys were going to do that for me”, Walsh said, all smiles.

‘I know that it can be hard to get through things that are sad. but you have to try and try again, ‘ a student named Sophia said.

Walsh told the Minneapolis Star Tribune: “It was pretty unbelievable”.

Walsh said the visit taught him “how empathetic, sincere, kind and loving elementary school kids can be”. “I wrote to him, “The team still appreciates you” and showed him making a field goal”.

When the letter campaign made headlines, Walsh organized to meet his young – and now perhaps only – fans.


Walsh’s teammates were in utter shock on the sidelines that he just missed a field goal closer than an extra point.

Vikings kicker Blair Walsh gets letters from first grade students