
‘Petulant,’ ‘worrying’ in GOP debate spur definition searches

Gov. Chris Christie (R., N.J.) said during Thursday night’s GOP debate that the American people have rejected President Obama’s agenda by overturning the Democratic majorities in Congress and state governments that the president enjoyed when he assumed office.


It’s true Christie has won nothing so far, and his standing in national polls remains in single digits despite being declared one of the winners of several previous debates.

Christie, who says he reads in detail Supreme Court opinions on cases that interest him, says he appreciates the reasoning of Justice Stephen Breyer, though he rarely agrees with his conclusions.

“Well I said as Governor Chris Christie, and you previously were not the Governor”, Geist continued.

On Sotomayor appointment: Christie has taken heat for saying in Thursday’s debate that he “didn’t support Sonia Sotomayor”.

But for as much as Christie doesn’t seem to show any qualms on the campaign trail about using executive power if he were elected president, he’s never used that kind of power in New Jersey to secure the Second Amendment rights of residents.

A spokesman for Christie said the governor misspoke and meant to say he made the statement after her confirmation hearings. Christie promised that “when we talk to our allies and we give them our word in a Christie administration, they know we’re going to keep it”.

“Our next president, and our Republican nominee can not be someone who supports those positions”, Rubio said. He also criticized Cruz’s tax plan, which he said runs counter to the late President Ronald Reagan.

On Sept. 30, 1994, Christie was quoted saying “I support Planned Parenthood privately with my personal contribution, and that should be the goal of any such agency, to find private donations”. Qualified appointees should be confirmed and deserve bi-partisan support.

“I’m a conservative, but I believe in the safety net because free enterprise doesn’t work without a safety net”, he said. The governor sought to clarify his statements about the Supreme Court justice on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”, saying, according to a transcript: “What I said about Sonia Sotomayor was that she deserve[d] an up or down vote, but that she was not the type of justice I would select if I were President”.

“No, what I said about Sonia Sotomayor was that she deserved an up or down vote, but that she was not the type of justice I would select if I were president. So my perspective was just let people know they’re untrue and don’t … honor it with any other response beyond that”.

The newspaper took issue with Christie’s about-face on his record of “sensible gun controls”, noting his previous support of an assault weapons ban, and how he reversed his opposition to.50-caliber rifles.


During Thursday night’s 2016 GOP primary debate, which aired on the Fox Business Network, Florida Sen.

White House: Why is Chris Christie so negative?