
Graham to endorse Bush

Republican president candidate Jeb Bush has scored the endorsement of South Carolina Sen. and onetime GOP presidential candidate Lindsey Graham, NBC News reported.


With two weeks to go until Iowans head to the polls in the first vote of the 2016 primary season, Republican front-runner Donald Trump ramped up his attacks against rival Ted Cruz on Friday, while Jeb Bush scored a key…

Graham, who has been a sharp Trump critic, said Bush’s bid to woo Latino voters was also critical in widening the reach of the Republican Party, which has not won the presidency since Bush’s brother, George W. Bush, was reelected in 2004.

“Bush told Fox News, “[Graham’s] endorsement is very meaningful.

Graham said he was backing Bush because he has the best plan to continue the fight against terrorism and the temperament to run the county.

The victor of the South Carolina Republican primary has gone on to win the party’s nomination in every election but one since 1980-2012, when former House Speaker Newt Gingrich won the state before former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney clinched the standard-bearer title.

Jeb Bush has called Donald Trump a “jerk” in a new television advertisement. Bush returned the admiration, calling Graham a “patriot”. Many of Graham’s high-profile supporters backed Bush right after Graham left the race. Bush, in recent days, had picked up over 20 of Graham’s former backers.


The official endorsement will come at 9:45 a.m. eastern time. Marco Rubio doing OK, and Ben Carson slipping fast while John Kasich and Jeb Bush underwhelm. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. speaks in Washington. He is fifth in the national and most early primary state polls, including SC, according to averages compiled by Real Clear Politics. “I believe life is truly a gift from God [and] we’re all equal under God’s watchful eye”, the GOP presidential candidate says in the spot.

Graham to endorse Bush