
National Security Advisor Susan Rice: Iran Will Use Sanctions Relief Funds To

When asked directly about American inspectors, Rice said, “There are not going to be independent American inspectors separate from the IAEA” on the ground in Iran.


One source who was in Vienna for the negotiations told the Beacon that the ban on USA inspectors is due to concessions made to Iran during the talks. In that case, the IAEA will go to Iran and say we need to look at this. If Iran refuses to allow IAEA inspectors access, five of the eight members of a joint commission would have to agree with the concerns of IAEA and the protocols involving the specific inspection, Rick Brennan, a senior political scientist at the Rand Corp. think tank, told PolitiFact.

“If that does not occur, then the United States, acting with its European partners, can together decide that that inspection must occur”. Iran’s declared nuclear facilities will be under inspection 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Washington, July 16 (IANS) As the Obama administration moved to sell the historic Iran nuclear deal, National Security Advisor Susan Rice warned that countries like India and Japan who paid an economic price of USA sanctions may not support them again if it was scuttled.

While saying that a weapons embargo prohibits Iran from sending weapons to other nations, she again admitted: “they may able to send money, yes”. “And you can’t hide a facility of that size very easily for long”, she said.

We should expect that some portion of that money would go to the Iranian military and could potentially be used for the kinds of bad behavior that we have seen in the region up until now.

“The goal here, Wolf, was never, and was not created to prevent them from engaging in bad behavior in the region”. They’re doing that today.

Pressed on what happens if Congress shoots down a deal with veto-proof majority, Rice insisted “it’s hardly important what it means to the president’s legacy”.

Experts have estimated that some $100-150 billion in Iranian assets have been frozen in the global banking system and are expected to be thawed under the terms of the deal for which the Obama administration continues to take a protracted victory lap.

“We will…be looking forward, if the Israelis are interested and willing, they haven’t said so yet, to discuss with them how we might further deepen and strengthen our security and intelligence cooperation”, Rice said. During a speech to the Knesset, the prime minister states “It’s like giving a criminal organization that deals drugs a 24-day warning before inspecting its drug lab”.

With sanctions, Iran has been importing basmati rice, sugar, soymeal and corn from India since 2011 through a rupee account held with the UCO bank at a premium to global prices.


Bridget Johnson is a veteran journalist whose news articles and opinion columns have run in dozens of news outlets across the globe. “That makes no sense”.

Iran deal could help India boost exports by over a third - trade body