
Trump’s New York Advantage

Mr. Trump, appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”, accused Mr. Cruz of being “inappropriate” in raising questions about whether Mr. Trump’s mother’s citizenship status – she was born in Scotland – disqualifies him from running for president.


Later in the day, Trump asked: “If Ted Cruz is so opposed to gay marriage, why did he accept money from people who espouse gay marriage?”

Trump said Cruz “lied” during the debate about his standing in the polls.

Trump has made Cruz’s birthplace an issue throughout the campaign as he was born in Calgary. Cruz first attacked Trump for his “New York values” earlier this week.

The governor says Cruz’s remarks could wind up hurting him in the polls because they were offensive to more than just New Yorkers.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, liberal Democrats, demanded an apology.

“On behalf of all New Yorkers, I am disgusted at the insult that Ted Cruz threw at this city, and its people”, de Blasio told reporters.

‘New York is a great place, it’s got great people, it’s got loving people, wonderful people, ‘ he said.

Aside from sounding caustic, some accused Cruz of being anti-Semitic after making those remarks.

The Huffington Post reported that more lawsuits were expected to come as Cruz’s campaign continues.

Rather than try to attach the old “flip-flopper” label that has plagued politicians from John Kerry to Mitt Romney, they’ve come up with a new catch phrase: “New York values”.

In an interview with ABC News, Smith said that Cruz’s comments saddened him.

At Thursday night’s GOP debate, Cruz expanded on that, citing the socially liberal views associated with NY, along with its focus on money and media.

Then Trump slammed Cruz on not disclosing a Goldman Sachs loan, writing, “Ted Cruz said he “didn’t know” that he was a Canadian Citizen”. And in NY, we reject those who seek to use it for personal gain. But many scholars say that simply being born in America does not make you an American citizen; that is the argument used to legalize anchor babies.


But King pushed back against the comments, repeating Trump’s defense of New York City during 9/11, saying that people from all around the city responded and that New Yorkers served and died in the war in Iraq. Can you explain what ted Cruz is implying?

De Blasio demands Cruz apologize to New Yorkers