
31.3 million watched Obama’s last State of Union — Nielsen

The President said anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction.


“The world will look to us to help solve these problems, and our answer needs to be more than tough talk or calls to carpet bomb civilians”.

Senator Ted Cruz wasn’t here for the speech, but telling Megyn Kelly…

Mr Obama’s plea came a week before the British Parliament is due to discuss banning Trump from the United Kingdom after more than 560,000 people signed a petition demanding the billionaire businessman be barred. Take that, Chris Christie.

The US needed to “reject any politics that targets people because of race or religion”.

“The bipartisan reform of No Child Left Behind was an important start, and together, we’ve increased early childhood education, lifted high school graduation rates to new highs, and boosted graduates in fields like engineering”, he said.

Behind Obama sat the new House Speaker Paul Ryan, who reacted dismissively to Obama’s remarks, saying in a statement, “I can’t say I was disappointed by the president’s speech, but that’s because I wasn’t expecting much”.

Instead, he spent more time touting old proposals, such as free community college for all; beating the drum for traditional Democratic priorities, such as strengthening Medicare and Social Security; and proposing new spending on energy, education, job training, and scientific research – without offering even a hint of how he would pay for them. “It makes it harder to achieve our goals”, said the president, as members of the audience in Congress errupted in applause.

Terrific, but the question arises: Where has this guy been for the last seven years, especially on the issue of campaign finance reform?

How President Obama’s final address compares to others he’s given in years past. Obama spoke of the worst kept secret in Washington pressing the importance of getting money out of politics. Obama vowed then that he was “firmly committed to reforming the system as president”. Pointing to advances like NASA, President Obama said that the country has assumed a renewed role in eradicating cancer once and for all. The Federal Election Commission remains as dysfunctional as it was the day he took office.


Speaking directly to American citizens, Obama said he thinks congressional district lines need to be rewritten so that the people are electing their politicians, not the other way around. The executive order is one thing he can.

Obama SOTU wag