
Cosby Calls Woman Willing Partner in Newly Obtained Deposition Testimony

Testimony released earlier this month also suggested he gave women he wanted to sleep with sedatives.


Cosby still holds to his ground, denying all accusations and called Constand a “liar”.

The deposition transcript was part of a lawsuit brought against him by former Temple University employee Andrea Constand, who accused him of drugging and molesting her. Elsewhere in the deposition, Cosby acknowledged obtaining perscriptions for Quaaludes in order to seduce women.

In Constand’s case – which was settled – a deposition reported by the Times shows that Cosby told her attorney, Dolores M. Troiani, that he considered the encounter consensual: “I walk her out”.

Later, in a disturbing revelation, Cosby told Ms Constand to tell her mother “about the orgasm“; which he believed would clear him of any wrongdoing. Intercourse, he said, “is something that I feel the woman will succumb to more of a romance and more of a feeling, not love, but it’s deeper than a playful situation”.

The comedian also reportedly testified that he was a “pretty decent reader of people” when it came to “romantic sexual things”.

The 78-year-old has never been charged with a crime.

Although Cosby has admitted to engaging in multiple extramarital affairs that he attempted to hide from his wife, he has denied sexually assaulting anyone, including Constand.

He said he spoke with one woman, model Beth Ferrier, about her career and her father who had died of cancer. But there is an effort to preserve the reputation of Cosby as a family man. His admission of hiding affairs from his wife by paying out money and misleading her about why it was paid, paints a very different picture.

The plaintiff contends that she had a relationship with Cosby for years until one night when she says he gave her drugs.

Cosby acknowledges obtaining the quaaludes from a now-deceased doctor in Los Angeles, ostensibly for back pain.

Furthermore, in the deposition documents, it is described how the 77-year-old comedian recalled the sexual encounter he had with Constand to claim that she never stopped him or appeared raging afterwards as against to her claims that she was the victim of non-consensual sex. An “unapologetic, cavalier playboy, someone who used a combination of fame, apparent concern and powerful sedatives in a calculated pursuit of young women”.

“The same as a person would say have a drink”, he replied, referencing the way someone might drug a drink. Constand’s lawyer asked.

Twenty years later the woman contacted Cosby and asked for money, saying he’d promised her $500 for every A she earned in school, Constand’s lawyer says in the deposition.

The new information comes after U.S. District Judge Eduardo Robreno unsealed excerpts from Cosby’s deposition in response to an Associated Press request, concluding that the public had a right to see “the stark contrast” between Cosby the public moralist and the statements he made under oath about his lifestyle and conduct.


The AP generally does not identify people who say they have been sexually assaulted unless they agree to have their names published, as Constand has done.

Cosby paid women after sex, tried to hide payments from wife