
Ted Cruz ‘Apologizes’ to New York Conservatives

Ted Cruz, senator from Texas, described “New York Values” – three words that have taken on a life of their own in a variety of media, and have been met the day after with everything from scorn to eye rolling from people who live and work in the Big Apple.


Ted Cruz for his attack on “New York values” – and with good reason.

At Thursday’s debate, Trump also held up New Yorkers’ response to 9/11, which led to a rare moment of agreement with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, herself a former senator from NY, as she tweeted support for the state. Cruz was born on Canadian soil to an American-born mother and a Cuban father.

Presidential rival Donald Trump has questioned whether Cruz is eligible for the presidency.

Cruz said those values – pro-abortion rights, including supporting partial birth abortion and pro-gay marriage – explained Trump’s world view.

“If he had any class or possessed true presidential timber, Ted Cruz would offer New Yorkers a real apology instead of sarcasm – not because we need it, but to prove he’s not a hypocrite”. “The man offended gays, he was offensive to women, he offended 18 million New Yorkers, he offended one of the largest congressional delegations by the way in the country and you can’t govern that way and it’s not who we are”.

Considering this, it can be said that Ted Cruz’s remarks can open a new front between the two.

Campaigning in Iowa, Trump told CNN it was “a very serious thing” that Cruz failed to disclose up to $1 million in loans from Goldman Sachs in the public finance reports of his 2012 Senate campaign. “But the facts and the law here are really quite clear”, said Cruz.

NY city lawmakers of all political stripes have bandied together to call out Cruz.

Schwartz said that while Cruz should have himself taken the issue to court earlier, he believes that his suit will help settle the issue once and for all.

“I apologize to all the pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-Second Amendment New Yorkers who were told by Gov. Cuomo that they have no place in New York because that’s not who New Yorkers are”, he said.


“Everybody in the world watched and everyone in the world loved NY and loved New Yorkers”, Trump said. “He has come here plenty of times to gain money for his campaign from people in NY”. Beyond the Trump-Cruz theatrics, U.S. Sen.

Trump Cruz en shadow