
Apple Pay according to MEN Head of Business Adam Jupp

It will enable users to tap their phone on contactless payment points to complete transactions – just like a contactless credit card.


Apple Pay, the contactless payment solution built into the electronics giant’s iPhone 6, has launched in the UK. Here is a quick look on how to set up Apple Pay on your iPhone.

The ticket inspectors told us that new devices are being developed that will be able to check payment histories of Apple Pay and bPay devices, but was unable to comment on when this would be available. The differences in using Apple Pay with TfL have lead some users seeing up to £80 fines from TfL because they weren’t using Apple Pay correctly.

The report says that “ticket inspectors” (who now bear the even friendlier title of “revenue inspection officers”) don’t have the technology to check whether passengers’ tickets if they paid via contactless devices, but could if payment was via contactless cards. Using Apple Pay with TfL you simply place your iPhone or Apple Watch next to a yellow Oyster card reader and authenticate with your fingerprint.

Not only must your touch in and out with Apple Pay, you need to remember to touch in and out with the same card in Apple Pay.

Barclays – despite not featuring as a partner previously – confirmed that both it and Barclaycard would be joining Apple Pay “in the future”. Once you tap on Next, the information provided will be verified by the bank that issued the card. If the card you show them doesn’t appear on the list, then they know that you’re either a fare dodger or that you’ve given them the wrong card. What that means is your one journey will be seen as two and charged the maximum daily rates.

Contactless payment continues to grow rapidly in popularity, with more than £2bn spent via the system in 2014, according to the UK Cards Association.

When it is launched, more than 250,000 locations will accept Apple Pay.


“Apple Pay is positioned as being the fastest and easiest way to pay [but] if you think there’s a 50 per cent chance it could fail, you’ll just reach for your credit card instead.” If you iPhone or Apple Watch runs out of battery on your trip you won’t be able to touch out. Phone calls, for some reason, can interfere with the ability for TfL terminals to communicate with Apple Pay.

How To Set Up Apple Pay On Your iPhone - Morning News USA