
Bill de Blasio’s ‘blood is boiling’ after Cruz ‘New York values’ remarks

And the truth, Donald Trump went on to say, is that he’s raring to take on Hillary Clinton come November, but.


On Saturday, after climbing out of an elevator that got stuck before fully hitting its floor, Cruz joked to reporters: “Who put Donald Trump in charge of the elevator?”

Trump also pounced on a New York Times report late last week that Cruz had failed to report to the Federal Election Commission two personal loans from Goldman Sachs and Citibank totaling almost $1 million that he used to help finance his long-shot 2012 Senate campaign. In New York people don’t say “hi” to their neighbors. “He explained that his views were very pro-choice, open to partial birth abortion and gay marriage”. “I wish I knew him then”. “I thought it was very, very insulting and I immediately thought of the World Trade Center and the bravery of New Yorkers and the genius of New Yorkers to be able to take that whole section and rebuild after the tragedy – the worst thing that ever happened to our nation in terms of an attack”.

Cruz’s New Hampshire campaign leaders come from the party’s most conservative wing and hold sway with the voters Cruz is trying to cultivate.

Perhaps Cruz didn’t know or didn’t care his rival in the “outsider lane” was holding back, because the Texas senator continued to assail Trump for his past views in a WRKO interview with conservative radio host Jeff Kuhner, per BuzzFeed’s KFILE.

Wallace also read Cruz a statement from Bob Scales, former head of the Army War College, saying, “Carpet-bombing, that’s just another one of those phrases that people with no military experience throw around”.

Trump on Sunday called Cruz a “nasty guy” whom no one likes. “He was so nice to me”.

“There’s a big move to move you to the middle of the pack, that’s not going to happen, if I win, not going to happen”, Trump said. “I recognize what Donald says on the campaign trail today is fairly conservative, but voters are discerning”. And it is likely to be dominated by his increasingly nasty feud with Trump, who hovered over Cruz’s launch even as Cruz seems not completely eager to bash him in front of an audience. “They’re bringing a lawsuit as soon as – if he got the nomination, they’d bring a lawsuit that he’s not eligible to run”.

Stephanopoulos told Trump that some legal scholars have suggested Trump himself would have standing to sue Cruz.

On “This Week”, Trump went after Cruz for his stance on immigration.

At the rally Cruz gave his standard stump speech, telling the crowd that if elected president he would repeal the Affordable Care Act, rip up the nuclear deal with Iran, build a wall to stop illegal immigration, abolish the IRS and “utterly and completely destroy ISIS”. “I’m campaigning on behalf of American values and I don’t seek to divide people against each other”. Where has that been?

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida was next at 11 percent, followed by retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 9 percent.


“He raises money in NY and then criticizes NY values”, Mr. Rubio said.

Trump Cruz en shadow