
Trump and Cruz trade blows as bickering gets ‘nasty’

That began to change, however, when a secret recording surfaced last month of Cruz questioning Trump’s judgment at a Republican fundraiser, The New York Times reported.


Saturday Night Live’s cold open (video above) mocked this week’s GOP presidential debate, and like the actual GOP presidential debate, SNL’s moderator cornered Ted Cruz on his comments about “New York values”.

Also in 2009, Trump praised Obama’s stimulus proposal on Fox News, via BuzzFeed News, adding, “I thought [Obama] did a terrific job”. Cruz said those values – pro-abortion rights, including supporting partial birth abortion and pro-gay marriage – explained Trump’s worldview.

‘Well, look, these are certainly amusing, ‘ Cruz said.

Trump, the Republican primary front-runner, at a campaign stop in New Hampshire on Saturday, said Scott Brown, a former MA senator, would be a “very good” vice presidential pick.

Polls show Cruz and Trump locked in a tight race in Iowa, but Trump is polling considerably better in New Hampshire.

“My views are a little bit different than if I lived in Iowa”, Mr. Trump said at the time.

But it was that point – the fact that Trump supported Democratic policies before his switch to the Republican party – that Cruz honed in on. How about his fundraising and how about when he does his personal financial disclosure form, and he doesn’t put on that he’s borrowing money from Goldman Sachs?

“What families tell me is they have loved ones who are ready for treatment and tell me they can’t find treatment”, Hassan said, according to WMUR.

Trump, in an interview on ABC’s “This Week”, also threw in some vintage ad hominem rhetoric. Trump told reporters that Cruz was “a friend of mine” and “a good guy”. “I’d do the public a big favor”, Trump smirked before stating that he doesn’t think Cruz is “a nice guy”. And it is likely to be dominated by his increasingly nasty feud with Trump, who hovered over Cruz’s launch even as Cruz seems not completely eager to bash him in front of an audience. “Nobody likes him. Nobody in Congress likes him”.

Cruz answered a voter’s question about the drug epidemic by talking about his older half-sister, Miriam, who died from a drug overdose in 2011. The Republican front-runner, who was either unaware of Levin’s criticism or disregarded it, continued his Cruz attacks after Levin published his post. Where has that been?

Then Trump played the birther card stoke a renewing a controversy over whether the Canadian-born Cruz whose mother is a US citizen was a “natural born citizen” eligible to serve as president under the Constitution.


Cruz then pointed to the detailed immigration plan on his campaign website, saying his proposals would “impact the drug market dramatically”.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach South Carolina