
Battle Between Trump And Cruz Goes Nuclear

“I disagree with Donald”. Their unseemly political battle raised questions about whether either man has the temperament to be commander in chief.


“Being angry about the direction of our country by itself will not be enough”, Rubio said, referencing the conservative anger fueling Trump and Cruz’ candidacies. “He was so nice to me”.

All in all though, I thought Senator Ted had a great debate, his best so far and the best of anyone on the platform.

He is “a nasty guy”.

“Those are you words, Jeff”, Cruz told his host, only adding that he “likes” and “respects” him. “No one in history ever grew a backbone after they got to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue”, he said. He’s a very — he’s got an edge that’s not good.

“People in the states make their decisions very late”, Rubio said during a swing through Iowa on Saturday. It’s not a good thing for the country. Trump, a populist billionaire, has never held public office.

In an interview on “Fox News Sunday”, Mr. Cruz said the response to his comments was “certainly amusing, and it is amusing seeing the media elite in NY and D.C. run around with their hair on fire wondering what on Earth are NY values”.

The New York Times reported Friday that Cruz wrote a letter the day before to federal-election officials to say both bank-loan disclosures had been “inadvertently omitted”. That might not seem like a lot, but an 8-10 point swing in Iowa in 2016 could be enormously important. “I guess as conservatives continue to unite behind our campaign, as his poll numbers continue to go down, he’s a little testier”. They avoided taking pot shots at one another, even while they were competing for the same group of conservative and Evangelical Christian voters.

Cruz’s attack on NY has drawn near-universal condemnation from city and state leaders, with Mayor de Blasio and Gov. Cuomo leading the charge against him.

Trump and Cruz are atop the field in Iowa, where voters caucus February 1.

Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for attacking Donald Trump over the reality-television star’s “New York Values”.

Some members of the audience then booed Trump, who laughed but proceeded to criticize Cruz for not reporting two bank loans that were used finance his 2012 Senate race.

In the days since they clashed at a debate Thursday in South Carolina, Trump has hammered Cruz over loans and questioned whether he is eligible for the presidency because of his Canadian birth.


Cruz also said it’s “curious now that (Trump) displayed such outrage” over his shot at “New York values”, since Trump himself cited his New Yorker status when outlining moderate views on abortion and other topics in a 1999 interview. The Trump campaign, however, has also been very unclear about how they would hypothetically replace Obamacare.

Cruz blasts Trump as a fake conservative