
Local events to celebrate 30th anniversary of MLK holiday

And like most parades there were plenty of beads and sweets to hand out to kids.


This Acadia Parish city of 8,000 may be small, but its residents honored the memory of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King a big way Monday with a march and several other events created to bring the community together.

Former Gov. and St. Petersburg native Charlie Crist was proud to be a part of the parade.

“I have mixed children, and I believe them knowing their heritage and where they come from and know where they’re going and know about Martin Luther King and the dream because we have to realize the dream has come true. It’s a great celebration”.

Those who knew Dr. King can’t help but travel down memory lane.

“I learned that Martin Luther King fought for African Americans and whites to be treated equally”, adds fellow fifth grader MacAllister Brown.

“Martin Luther King was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. when he was in college, so we do this every year”, said Rossenel Laguerre, an FGCU graduating senior and Alpha Phi Alpha member ” This was actually our first year where we led the march.

“I love making them because we made them at school one time”, says 9-year-old Riley.

“We like to do a service to help the people who are marching for the MLK March so that’s the least we can do”, said Perlean Bland of the San Antonio Black Nurses Association.

And for Erin she appreciates the lessons she learned from Martin Luther King. He spent many days in a jail cell, many days doing unpopular things that we still have to do today. His father was a Disciples of Christ minister, and Wittkamper recalled memories of meeting Dr. King.

“Black lives matter, and it’s important that people come out and show that support”, said Lewis.

“We’ll do inspirational quotes, books, authors, role models for the students to give them a more warm and welcoming environment”, said City Year Executive Director Jason Holton.


Many said that King’s message resonates with them…but they’re also concerned.