
Rouhani says Iran will honor nuclear deal if West does the same

“The IAEA should help other countries in developing peaceful nuclear technologies along with its missions to monitor and regulate nuclear activities; as a committed member of the IAEA, Iran expects to receive the Agency’s aid in improving and modernizing its nuclear industry”, Rouhani proposed. The first step in sanctions relief includes permitting Iran to sell its oil on the world market and re-integrating its banks into the global financial system. If they violate anything during the implementation of the deal, mechanisms are devised in the deal itself for that and we will follow that.


Iran in response says new U.S. sanctions on its ballistic missile program have NO legal or moral legitimacy.

The U.S. government would “not rest” until another American citizen, Robert Levinson, who went missing in Iran more than eight years ago, was located, he said.

A United Nations resolution endorsing the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers calls on Iran to refrain from testing missiles created to carry nuclear weapons.

What does all this mean for Iranians anxious to restore connections between the USA and Iran?

Recent events marked an improvement in relations between Washington and Tehran after decades of open hostilities, and a victory, if only a temporary one, for moderates in Iran.

The president pointed out that a priority will be given to countries that continued to trade with Iran despite the economic sanctions.

United States president Barack Obama spearheaded the deal, which for many marks the foreign policy highlight of his tenure. “If they don’t, we will continue to enforce our sanctions and continue to have very strong differences”.

The US dropped charges against 7 Iranians in the US and another 14 outside the country as part of the deal.

He held meetings in Iran with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, and AEOI Chief Ali Akbar Salehi, Kamalvandi noted.

“Sanctions are back!” ran the Kayhan headline.

They include slashing by two-thirds its uranium centrifuges, reducing its stockpile of uranium – enough before the deal for several bombs – and removing the core of its Arak reactor, which could have given Iran weapons-grade plutonium.


What everyday people in Iran are saying about this news.

Iran’s Khamenei welcomes sanctions lift warns of U.S. ‘deceit