
‘She’s tough and smart and just a great woman’ … Republican presidential

Donald Trump, the reality television star-turned-politician, was endorsed by Sarah Palin, the politician-turned-reality TV star, in his front-running bid to be the next Republican U.S. president, his campaign said on Tuesday.


Billionaire businessman Trump’s campaign issued a statement saying Ms Palin was “proud” to endorse him.

But Palin has also supported outsider candidates like Ted Cruz through her political action committee Sarah PAC, so her decision to back Trump over Cruz – in a move timed to make the maximum impact on the February 1 Iowa caucuses – will be a disappointment to Cruz as well.

The endorsement comes less than two weeks ahead of the critical lead-off Iowa caucus, where Mr Trump is locked in a dead heat with Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

The elder son of former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has been arrested on suspicion of assaulting a woman and carrying a gun while intoxicated, police in the family’s Alaska hometown said on Tuesday.

“What he has been able to do, which is really ticking people off, which I’m glad about – he’s going rogue left and right”, Palin said describing Trump. The one danger I see here is, I think Trump has emerged as a credible candidate in the suburbs of the Northeast. “Regardless of what she does in 2016, I will always be a big fan”, he said.

Although reired from politics, the self-styled “hockey mom” who was John McCain’s running mate in 2008 before losing to Barack Obama, remains an influential conservative voice.

“I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby, oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the earth for mankind’s use, instead of relying on unfriendly foreign nations for us to import their resources”, she said, adding that her ultimate aim would to get rid of the agency.

Track Palin was arraigned in Palmer District Court and was released after posting $1500 bail later Tuesday.

“She’s a conservative and I like knowing that she’s speaking out on his behalf”, she said. “We are ready and our troops deserve the best, a new Commander and Chief whose track record of success has proven he is the master of the art of the deal, he is one who would know to negotiate”, Palin says.

While derided as a gaffe-prone dimwit by late-night comedians and the mainstream media, Palin has used her standing within the party to draw attention to conservative causes and candidates. Reporter: Now trump is counting on Palin to rally republican skeptics, especially key evangelical voters.

Not surprisingly, Sarah Palin didn’t mention her son Track’s arrest. And Tom, the big question, is Palin expected to hit the campaign trail for trump? The weight of her endorsement is considered to be of great worth.


Earlier Tuesday, Trump received an endorsement from the daughter of movie star John Wayne. “Can I get a hallelujah?”
