
Sanders and Clinton clash on healthcare

She emphasised her vast experience as former secretary of state, senator and point-woman for her husband ex-President Bill Clinton’s efforts to reform health care in the 1990s.


The sparks flew on the debate stage Sunday night.

According to ABC News, Sanders has gained 10 percentage points in this poll, while Clinton has dropped 7 percent since mid-December. To “start over again, pushing our country back into that kind of a contentious debate, I think is the wrong direction”, she said.

Martin O’Malley on money he took from Wall Street: “Yes, but I haven’t gotten a penny this year…so somebody please, go on to”.

A majority – 55% – did say she would best handle the Islamic State threat, but only a fraction – 13% – said foreign policy and national security is the most important issue.

In 2002, Clinton was a member of the Senate representing NY while Sanders was in the House of Representatives.

She also increased her advantage over Mr. Sanders among black and Latino voters to a 71 percent to 21 percent margin, after holding a 61 percent to 18 percent lead last month.

This was the final Democratic debate before caucuses in Iowa on February 1 show who the state’s voters prefer as their candidate.

Overall, 91 percent say they have a favourable view of Sanders, while just 2 percent have an unfavourable opinion.

Clinton said her first priority would be to call on Congress to pass her plans “for creating more good jobs” in infrastructure building, as well as in the manufacturing and renewable energy sectors.

While the first primary contests of the 2016 presidential election are growing competitive, a newly released NBC/SurveyMonkey national poll indicates that Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are still firmly leading their respective parties in the race.

The letter closes: “We need a Commander in Chief who sees how all of these dynamics fit together – someone who sees the whole chessboard, as Hillary Clinton does”.

Hillary Clinton continues to lead the Democratic polls, but she’s hoping to avoid getting “Berned” in New Hampshire and Iowa.

“I’m struck by the fact that, even though the Republicans just had a debate and are about to have another debate before Iowa, there isn’t another Democratic debate before Iowa or before the primary in New Hampshire”, Maddow commented.


On the campaign trail, Sanders has continued to criticize Clinton for her involvement with big banks – such as Goldman Sachs – that the senator calls part of the Washington establishment.

Maddow Asks Hillary If Her Campaign's Responsible for Placing Dem Debates in