
MI Affordable Care Act Registrations Rise

There has been a notable health insurance gap in the enrollment of Asian Americans as well as those of Pacific Island descent, which has existed since open enrollment first began through the Affordable Care Act in 2013.


The move by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services comes after complaints by health insurers that it was too easy for people to wait until they were sick to sign up and to drop coverage after they got treatment.

Obama and his party should have just fixed what was here already and added the pre-existing conditions and kids staying on parents insurance plan until age 26, to what we already had.

Clare Krusing, a spokesman for America’s Health Insurance Plans, welcomed the administration’s steps but said they did not go far enough.

For a single adult who didn’t have coverage a year ago, you could owe an extra three hundred and twenty five dollars or two percent of your total income (this depending on which is greater).

After that, the only way to buy insurance before the next open enrollment period in the fall is by qualifying for special enrollment, which is open to those who experience certain life events, including marriage, divorce or job loss. The fines are created to get people to purchase health care and to avoid paying a penalty at tax time.


Numerous uninsured don’t qualify for coverage because they’re in the USA illegally.

HHS Secretary comes to Indy to make Obamacare sales pitch