
Facebook reveals Oculus Rift’s prices, preorders begin

The biggest thing that was unknown before pre-orders opened earlier today was the price, and although Oculus earlier said that it will be priced at over USA $300, price has gone significantly up as the Oculus Rift pre-order price is set U.S. $599 in the United States, €699 in Europe and £499 in the UK. We were too conservative indeed in predicting the Rift’s price, and as for consumers, a good number of them were ready to throw Luckey to the wolves when he announced the Rift’s premium price tag.


Oculus founder Palmer Luckey tweeted, confirming the news; “Preorders for Rift are live”. He said that Oculus mistakenly assumed “we had been clear enough about setting expectations”, and that he himself had “handled the messaging poorly”. Oculus chief executive Brendan Iribe said in May that the Rift and the computer needed to run it were expected to cost around $1,500.

Loyal Oculus Rift supporters, who have supported the virtual reality device since it first appeared in a Kickstarter campaign back in 2012, will be rewarded. As more orders were received the date was moved a month forward to April 2016 and since the influx of purchasers hasn’t slowed down, it looks like Oculus will require a lot more time to meet the demand.

Oculus’ VR-specific controller called Touch, which aims to make the user’s hand motions feel natural, is still being perfected.


The bundle you get when you buy the headset. Luckey has said that VR will have a revolutionary impact on the way we communicate and consume entertainment.

Oculus Rift Pre Orders Are Up Debuts At $599 USD