
Cruz supporters boo Trump at Tea Party convention

After clashing in Thursday’s sixth Republican debate, Donald Trump kept up the heat on his rival Ted Cruz on Saturday with a string of angry Twitter accusations about his nationality and financial affairs. Maher wondered why Cruz could even fathom saying such a thing, for Cruz looked even worse when Trump showed some heart while talking about 9/11.


“Nobody likes him, no one in Congress likes him, nobody anywhere likes him once they get to know him”. You know why they don’t like him? “I made a quip that perhaps he ought to play ‘New York, New York, ‘ and Donald got very upset with that”. “I am already hearing more and more people getting fed up with the low road you’re taking against Cruz, which has obviously intensified this morning”. “It’s not a good thing for the country”, said Mr Trump, who has led Republican opinion polls for months.

Mr. Cruz said his motivation for attacking Mr. Trump’s values stemmed from the real estate magnate’s own statements, including those made 17 years ago in an interview with the late NBC journalist Tim Russert. “I think the American people are looking for a commander-in-chief who is stable and steady and a calm hand to keep this country safe”.

Are you beginning to understand why I have been calling Trump’s candidacy into question?

Cruz has come out against gay marriage and mocked Trump for his “New York values”. Listen to this. I always say, a deep, deep second to the bible, the bible is the best, the bible, the bible blows it away. Cruz has doubled down on assaults against Trump’s “New York values”, pushing videos showing Trump supporting abortion rights and praising Hillary Clinton.

Merrimack resident Michael Bourque said Trump is the man for the job.

Cruz wasn’t in the Senate when then-President Bush nominated Roberts to the nation’s highest court.

At the end of his speech, Trump said, “If you give a campaign contribution to Ted Cruz you get whatever the hell you want”.

“Donald seems to be a little rattled”, Cruz said, according to the Associated Press. “I recognize what Donald says on the campaign trail today is fairly conservative, but voters are discerning”.

Cruz also attacked Trump for his past use of eminent domain.

“If I was in first place, I’d be equally concerned about people changing their minds”.

But Cruz pushed back on Trump’s defense, telling reporters “Reagan spent decades as a principled conservative”.


“If you didn’t stand up and fight amnesty, when the stakes were live or die, do we lose this permanently or do we win, I would suggest as voters you have reasons to doubt the credibility of the promises of a political candidate who discovers the issue after he announces for president”, the Texas senator said at a town hall meeting in Whitefield. Instead of celebrating Christmas, New Yorkers celebrate a pagan holiday called “Festivus, ‘” Killam said.

GOP Presidential Race Update: Donald Trump Questions Whether Ted Cruz Has Any Other Undisclosed Loans